Y/N: Of course I did.

Comrade: We should get away from here.

Y/N: No.

Comrade: What do you mean "no"? She'll kill us if she sees us.

Y/N: She looks like some sort of Huntress. She needed food, that's why she hunted a deer. Why would she hunt humans?

Comrade: Why not? We also have meat. She can eat us too.

Y/N: You're being ridiculous now. We should ask her for help. Maybe she has a house where we could stay for some time

Comrade: You're crazy.

Y/N: Would you rather return to the others and get shot? Remember, they will most likely send someone to search for us.

Comrade: Ah...shit...You're right about that part...but it's still not a reason to get killed by her.

Y/N: Look, you can do whatever you want. I'm gonna try to find her and ask her for help.

I announced before walking off.

Comrade: Hey wait!

He whispered.

I ignored him and kept going.

Comrade: Shit. Alright, I'm coming with you.

We followed the humming until we arrived at a shack. It looked old and was partially destroyed.

Comrade: This must be the place where she lives.

We came closer and noticed human skulls at the wall of the shack.

Comrade: Oh my god! See! I told you she'll kill us.

He said while pointing to the skulls.

Y/N: Perhaps you were right. Screw all of this, let's get outta here.

Comrade: Finally you've come back to your senses.

We turned around and walked back until he screamed in pain.

I looked over to him and saw that he stepped into a bear trap.

Comrade: Holy shit! Help me!

Y/N: Be quiet.

I told him while trying to get his foot out of the bear trap.

I heard the humming coming closer and saw that the Huntress was on her way to us.

Comrade: Hurry!

Y/N: I'm trying!

Comrade: Try harder!

He yelled while taking a look at the Huntress that is slowly coming closer.

I picked my rifle up again and aimed at the Huntress before pulling the trigger.

Nothing happened, I tried again and again, but nothing. My gun jammed, of course, right in this damn moment.

I put it back down and tried to help my comrade escape from the trap, but I was cut off when a twirling hatchet burried itself into my shoulder.

Now it was my turn to scream in pain and panic.

I stood up and ran away. I heard my comrade yelling at me to come back, before calling me a coward and other things, but I just kept running.

I ran until I didn't hear the humming anymore.

I sat down on the ground and pulled the hatchet out of my shoulder.

The pain was immense, but I got up again.

I had to get out of here, but how? This was a huge forest. Everything looked the same.

I sank back to the floor while trying to stay conscious, but I failed in the end and passed out.

I woke up again in...a building?

I heard groaning coming from the room next to me.

I sneaked out of my room and looked into the room where the noise came from.

It was my comrade, he was hanging on a rusty hook.

I rushed to him and slowly took him off the hook, it was very painful for both of us, since my shoulder still hurt like hell.

He straightened up again and thanked me...with a punch to my jaw.

This made me fall down and he started to yell at me.

Comrade: You fucking bastard! You just let me to die out there!

Y/N: I was busy trying not to die myself!

Comrade: Liar!

He put his hands around my neck and started choking me.

I wasn't able to throw him off, so I reached out to a bottle that was lying around nearby and slammed it over his head.

He let my neck go and I kicked him away from me, before standing up and grabbing an axe, that was on the table.

Comrade: Hey, hey! Calm do-

I slammed the axe right into his face, making him fall to the floor.

I pulled it out and hit his head a few more times before realising that I've been watched.

I looked over to the door frame of this room and saw the woman from before.

She was...smiling?

I dropped the axe down on the floor and raised my hands in defeat.

Y/N: I'm not here to hurt you. I just need some help.

She slowly came closer to me, still smiling.

A Lullaby For The Dark | Huntress (DbD) x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now