Fix Me?

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Do you know how it feels to be treated like dirt? Have no one in the world care for you? but then you meet that one person and they change your life? Thats my story, I live through this every day. Theres only one thing that helps me. and im losing him more and more each day.



Week two of my first year in high school, i already hated all my teachers...and im pretty sure they hate me too. so not a great start. i always was that loner weird girl but it didnt really matter to me, i ryan had the best guy friend in the world he was wayyyyy too over protective but what the hell? it was kinda nice. this happened to be the only class i had with him and it also happened to be the only class that didnt let us sit where we want. it doesnt really matter though because he and i always sat next to eachother because our last names were so close. before any questions are asked i -Ryan Hart- am in fact a girl, and yes i know Ryan is a boy name. My parents were drunks,so dont judge.

"Nialllllllllllllll!!!!!!!" i moaned after the class ended


"well someones on his boy period today now isnt he?"

"oh shut up"

"you are still coming over tonight? movie night remember?" i pleaded.

"ovbiously" he growled. i wondered what was bothering him but i decided to drop it because he ovbiously wasnt in the mood to talk and i wasnt about to force him.


its the first day of pre-k and i walk in holding my mums hand. we arent even there for 5 minutes before i turn and try to run. but before i get away i trip over a little brown hair blue eyed boy playing on the floor with legos. he was really upset because i knocked over his little pillar of lego bricks. i sit down next to him and introduce myself "hi im ryan. im sorry about your tower. do you want me to help you fix it?" the boy just nodded not saying anything. my mom thought that this would be a perfect time to quietly slip out and head to the bar about 2 miles away.

after a couple minutes the boy mumbles something. but i couldnt understand him.

"you are really quiet." i said. i mean come on i was barely 4 i didnt know any better.

a little bit louder he says "M-my names N-niall"

"its nice to meet you Niall. we are going to be best friends forever. i promise. do you promise?"

"I p-promise." he says in almost a whisper.

a woman that i now know to be his mother who was apparently watching the whole time rushed over and said to me

"whats your name sweetie?"


"do you know his name?" she points at niall.

"yeah his name is niall" i say with a smug smile.

"how did u know that, that was his name hun?"

"he told me, just a minute ago"

his mom tries to hide the shocked look on her face "im sorry darling but im afraid thats not possible. Niall is mute. that means he doesnt talk."

"you're lying he just talked to me and he promised that we would be best friends forever!" i almost yell at her.

niall's mom now shaking turns to niall with tears about to spill out of her eyes and asks "is this true ni?" he doesnt talk instead he just shakes his head yes

his mom starts sobbing and pulls me in to a huge hug. i didnt understand but i was scared.

**Flashback Over**

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