☆The Scorpion's Sting☆

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Riot awoke early, as was his habit, a holdover from his days in the military. He delicately extracted himself from the tangle of warm, naked limbs and perfumed blonde hair amid gentle sighs and petal-soft kisses. Donning his workout gear, he entered the elevator, swiped his key-card and punched in the number for the hotel gym. He caught sight of his reflection in the polished surface of the elevator door and scowled at himself. His sleep had been fitful.

Did she think he wouldn't notice?

He worked his body to exhaustion trying to bank his rage. He pushed his body to its limit hoping that expending all his physical energy would quell the churning in his gut.

He knew.

He'd known all along.

That first year, he'd seen no signs. Perhaps there were none to see that early. Minx's smile had not changed. She was happy. She was vibrant. She was Minx.

The second year, maybe her smile was not as wide. Did he even notice then?

The third year, only a change in her demeanour. She did well to cover it up but Minx had forgotten how intimately Riot knew her. He could see the hollowness behind her eyes.

The fourth year she was thin. Thinner than her usual self. And she'd tried to cover the fading bruise on her left hip that was the size and shape of a hand print. It had surrounded her scorpion tattoo with marled blotches of green and purple. He kissed it gently and she winced. He dared not insult her by asking about it and she dared not insult him by giving him some lame excuse about knocking into a desk or falling on the stairs.

The sixth year she didn't come. He knew why. Everyone knew why. She was one-third of one of the most successful glam rock bands in the world, for god's sake! Of course, everyone knew! It was all over the tabloids. Stateside, Cool Trash Magazine shouted "Minx is Pregnant!", but in German media it was much more subdued and high-toned. "Konig's Wife is with Child". In Germany, she was known as Ingrid Konig - if she was given a name at all. Most often, she was just Dieter's wife.

The seventh year, he'd noticed the changes in her body as only a lover could. Her hips had widened slightly from carrying a child and Riot loved the plumpness of her breasts. She had gained enough weight that her gauntness from the past few years was gone. Her son had brought joy back into her life. She smiled easily and laughed all week with Rapture. It was like old times. She had boundless energy. The three of them had recording sessions all day, writing sessions all evening and then lovemaking sessions all night. She was unstoppable.

As the years passed, they never spoke of it. He never offered to be her rescuer though she knew he would be had she but asked. He knew that she knew. She knew that he knew that she knew. And that was enough.

Until it wasn't.

Until now.

Did she really think he wouldn't notice?

Rage coursed through his veins his head pounded as he pushed his body to its limit. Curiously, his rage was not directed towards Dieter, although it should have been. Any man who raises his hand towards a woman is no man at all. Riot had only met Dieter a handful of times but he was a good enough judge of character to know that Dieter was not a man. He was a collector. He had acquired Minx as his golden treasure and imprison her in his mountaintop mansion. Minx was just a pretty thing in a glass box looking out at a world that she couldn't be part of.

She had never complained, never asked him for help, never mentioned her discontent. She had never cried to him.

Until lastnight.

Her tears had not been his undoing. It was the barely perceptible nod she gave when he asked his question. She had yet to utter a single word to him since her arrival twelve hous ago yet her body already told him everything he needed to know.

The tiny, scorpion tattoo, barely the size of his thumbnail, that he had pressed his lips to countless times over the past years, eliciting giggles and shrieks of delight from her smiling lips was gone. Instead, lastnight, his deft fingers prodded the silky skin of her left hip only to find the ugly, gnarled patch of rough flesh exactly the size of the end of a lit cigar.

Anger coursed through him as he pushed the heavy weights back with his powerful legs again and again until they burned. He wanted to howl in rage like a feral beast. Instead, he pushed his body to its limit, then punched the elevator button to return tonthe penthouse and the delectable treasures that awaited him there.


Velvet kisses feathered across Minx's mouth, along her jawline and down the creamy column of her throat. She inhaled deeply the heady familiar perfume of elderflower and honey. The corners of her mouth began to turn up into a sleepy smile when the butterfly kisses made their way back up to dip a silky, wet tongue between her parted lips. Minx opened her mouth to the gentle plundering and moaned softly in the back of her throat. She spoke for the first time since leaving her house the day before. "A thousand times, I have dreamed of this since last we were together." Minx whispered.
"I, too, have missed you much, liebling." Minx shivered as she felt a finger lightly follow the curve of her collarbone. She had missed this intimacy. She craved it, desired it, needed it.
"I did not hear you come in last night." A soft body snuggled closer to her side. "It was late and you looked so peaceful, liebling. I did not want to wake you." The finger followed a tear track down Minx's cheek. "You have been crying." Rapture stated flatly. Rapture leaned over Minx and feathered kisses along her jawline  coaxing a smile onto her lips. "No more tears, liebling. Rapture is here now." Minx laughed and pulled Rapture's mouth down to meet hers. She would never get tired of the taste of her tongue. Minx wrapped her arms around Rapture and rolled her underneath her body. "How I have missed you." She sighed. "I will not waste one minute of our time together thinking of sad things."
"Good." Rapture replied, giving her body another squeeze. The sound of water running caught her attention and she turned her  head to glance at the closed bathroom door. "Is the shower big enough for three?" She asked "of course it is, leibling." Minx let out a shriek as Rapture yanked the covers away from the bed and the cold air hit her naked body. Rapture left the bed and pulled Minx to her feet and toward the bathroom door. "You said no more wasted time."
Steam floated around them as they stepped into the shower. Riots smoothed his wet hair back from his face as the hot water ran down his muscled chest. All these years later, he had not let his physique go at all. Feeling not one, but two sets of hungry eyes devouring him, Riot's lips curved into a saucy grin. "I thought you two would be staying in bed for a while." He held his arms open for both  to press their nubile forms up against the full length of his. "No, Riot" Minx pouted. "Never without you." Rapture added. He bent his head to capture Minx's mouth with his, then Rapture's in turn. As their slick bodies intertwined, he growled. "It is good to be together again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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