Compress grabs my sleeve and gives me a stern look. "Think rationally," he whispers. "Can't fight in here. We need to get him outside first so Dabi's flames are effective."

I clench my jaw and fight back the urge to vomit. I'm getting dizzy, light headed. The room looks like it's swaying, like I'm on a small boat in the ocean slowly getting queasy. I hate it here. I want to rewind back a year or two, back when Hizashi, Nemuri, and I were Christmas shopping for all the kids. Back when we first learned about Eri's love for candy apples and Hitoshi's stupid schoolboy crush on Kaminari. I wish I could be home with my family, with my students, with my cat Lucy, and with Tenko.

But God forbid I get what I want, right?

"I have a friend who I helped escape from prison," All For One continues. "She's a riot, really. An ex-hero that worked for the Hero Commission, much like that little lovebird of yours, Touya."

"Don't call me that," Dabi snaps. All For One ignores him.

"Her name is Lady Nagant. She's obedient and spunky. I think I'll have her be the new leader after I kill off the rest of you. Well, Tomura specifically."

"You're not gonna lay a fucking finger on him," I say. "You've done enough damage."

The smile that creeps over his scarred face is enough to fuel my nightmares for the rest of my life. "Enough, you say? Oh, Mr. Aizawa. There is no such this as enough."

3rd person POV

Kaina Tsutsumi. Better known as Lady Nagant. Smart. Witty. Gorgeous. Powerful. She used to be an accessory of the Hero Commission, but she managed to break free and do as she pleased. Now she's an accessory of All For One, and there's very little chance that she'll be able to do it again.

While in prison, Kaina convinced herself that she didn't want to be her own person anymore. What had independence ever gotten her, anyways? Besides poverty and then a life sentence. Sure, when she was a soldier for the hero commission, she had gallons of blood on her hands and severe PTSD, but at least she had a place to stay. A warm bed to crawl into and the promise of a balanced breakfast in the morning. Being a pawn was dehumanizing, but at least it wasn't lonely.

So Lady Nagant is okay with doing All For One's bidding. She doesn't care about the nameless, faceless people he's ordering her to kill. She doesn't know them. And even if she did, prison numbed her out. She doesn't care, couldn't care, not even if she wanted to.

It's better this way, isn't it? Not caring? Kaina thinks so.

It's midnight when she arrives at Japan's National Prison. She and All For One were being held on a remote island away from the mainland in an attempt to make it harder for them to break out. And it was hard, Kaina could admit. But not hard enough to stop her from trying.

Stiffen your spine, soldier. Turn off your mind. Aim, breathe, and shoot.

She took out the six guards patrolling the area. With her quirk allowing her to extend a rifle from her left elbow, along with the air-walk quirk AFO gave her, Lady Nagant has no trouble breaking into the prison. Shoot a guard, take their key, enter the building. She breaks away at the prison layers like it's a video game, beating each pathetically easy level like it's child's play.

After fifteen minutes, give or take, Lady Nagant reaches the cell holding the former number one hero. He's in an orange prison jumpsuit with a quirk-cancelling cuff around his ankle. The walls of his cell are fire-proof, and the entire area is freezing cold. And it smells disgustingly sour, so much so that Kaina has to plug her nose as she approaches.

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