part 1

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It was a beautiful morning, the sun lighting up the bedroom as Reina opens the curtain, glancing over at her partner who was sound asleep, her lips curved up into a smile as she slowly walk over to him and sitting herself next to him

"Reyz.. wake up you have to go work, I'll prepare breakfast soon so hurry and get your stinky ass up" she gently scolded while tucking away few strands of hair that was covering his face, caressing his head before the bed shuffled and she felt her waist being hugged by him

"One more round?" The male tiredly asked which a earned a small forehead flick from the girl, groaning in defeat he slowly got up and rubbed his eyes

"I'll give you an extra round if you quickly get ready by the time I finish making breakfast"

And with that the male quickly made his way to the bathroom to start his day, shaking her head at her partner's silliness early in the morning, she would them made her way down to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast for the two

The both of them have been living together for few years now, all under a contract that they have to fulfill for a good three more years

Humming to a song while rubbing her back, she wondered how did it all started, she remember asking if she could massage her partner's back after his long day of work, only to ended up with her need the message more that him after

"Reina I'm done-"

"I barely even made it to the kitchen??" The girl scoffed in disbelief, how outrageous the male is so early in the morning, she couldn't believe what she's experiencing right now

"You promised" he winked as the girl rolled her eyes at him before making his way to the girl and carefully help her walk to the kitchen so that they both could prepare breakfast together "what would you like for today?”

"Pancakes" she answered while gently resting herself on the counters and facing the man who was already done wearing his apron

"Pancakes coming up for madam Reina" he uttered in a silly matter causing the girl to laugh as she watched him starting to cook the pancakes

Staring at the back of the man that she now calls as her partner was truly a strange sight for her, it was just like yesterday where they had an argument over something before Initially agreeing to a contract of them being partners for 5 years, too focused thinking about the contract she didn't noticed she was being called



"Goodness love I was asking if you want jam or Nutella on your pancakes" the male sighed at the sight of his partner looking distressed all of the sudden

"Oh uhm jam please" nervous hand rubbing her nape, she looked away cold shivers runs down her spine

"Cmon, let's have you sit down, sorry for going rough on you last night" the male carefully placed the plates of pancakes down and starts to guide Reina to the dining table, carefully seated her down before going back to the kitchen and bring out the pancakes that he cooks

"Strawberry jam pancakes for madam Reina" placing the plates down Infront of the lady he quickly give a smooch in the forehead before seated himself next to her with his own servings

"What time you're coming back?" The girl asked as she cut her pancakes into smaller portion for easier munching, putting a in a good mouthful as she waits to hear the response from the male

drinking a cup of milk to swallow the pancakes down before noticing a strange aura radiating from where the male is, choking on her milk she quickly shook her head while covering her mouth

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