"It's fine we have enough of our wolves running the patrols and our Beta will handle anything that may happen. Luna, it will be fine." The guard in the seats in front of us assured me. "We would rather have you protected and safe so we can protect the pack, your are the reason we fight, Luna."

 My eyes slowly came up to look at the back of the heads of the five guards in front of us before I turned my head to look at Mason. He just looked ahead. I let my eyes drop to the floor, I am the reason my pack fights? Why?

 The rest of the car ride to the airport was silent. But I spent it playing Words Free With Friends with this strange girl, LadyJeze, she got AXE for 55 points! What the heck!

This game just does not like me. So we played five rounds until I just gave up but by then we were approaching the parking lot.

  "Luna, come on, it's time to leave." One of the guards said as Mason took my hand. I really did not like it when Mason had to be serious around the pack, he could never allow the others to see the him I knew.

 Okay many people have experienced really really awkward situations, well so is walking in an airport with six men in a protective stance around you.

 "Um, excuse me. Sir, may I help you?" someone who looked like a Police Officer stopped us.

 I groaned as I saw almost everyone stopping to look at us, some even taking out their phones and taking pictures. "Ma'am, are you alright?"

 "She is fine!" Mason snapped at the man. My guards tensed and took a protective stance. "I ordered a private plane to be readied by this time." Mason said tightening his hold on me.

 "Dude, that chick is hot!" A teenage boy said to his friend a little farther away from us, we could only hear because of our werewolf hearing.

 "God, I would totally wreck her. Maybe we can get her away from those men for a minute and get her number." They whispered.

 I made a disgusted face and Mason growled and wrapped his arm so far around my waist so he could lay his hand on my stomach making it known there was a large, round tummy now in their view.

 "Wait is he? He has his hand on her stomach like, --"

 "Dude, she's pregnant."

 "Damn, why are the hot ones always taken"

 'Because they have mates', I thought a lot of the people that were "beautiful" are mainly werewolves. I smirked feeling proud to be carrying my mates pup, an Alpha heir. My sweet little pup, I smirked when I saw them walk away.

 "I'm sorry, Sir, but we were told you would be here by 4:30." I looked around to see the digital clock, it read 4 o'clock.

  "You mean we have to stay here for thirty more minutes..." I said in an annoyed tone, great now I sounded like a snooty slutty gold-digger.

 "I'm sorry, sweetheart. We'll just have to deal with this... inconvenience for a while."

 "Who even booked this flight? Wait.. oh crap i did." I have never felt more stupid until now.

 Now here we are trying to order something from Panda Express but of course it was a huge disaster. "Okay you know what? I'll just eat on the plane." I said trying to get everyone to tone down the arguments.

 "No, you're hungry so that means you need nutrition now, please sweetheart don't fight me on this, if your hungry so is the baby. Please, guys, stop and just get whatever you want we don't have to share combos." Mason said regaining control of the situation. I groaned a it took even longer to get the food, but afterwards I was pretty satisfied with everything.

 But now it was uncomfortable, I started to get up and stood up until Mason grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him, "Where do you think you're going, mate?" He sounded almost mad that I was walking away from him... His eyes were dark.

 "Mason, I need to go potty, I'll be right back." I almost whined.


 "No? Mason, please, I really need to pee." I said with a my knees starting to be weak.

 "I'm coming with you." He said getting up.

 "What? No, the bathroom is just ri--"

 "No, come on."

 "No Mason, I'm a big girl, I can go potty by myself!" Now I was starting to get mad, he was treating me like I was a baby just because I was carrying his pup.

Once I was done and coming out I yelped as I was pulled by someone into the wall. It was those fucking teenagers. "What do you want?" I hissed at them.

 "Hello, beautiful." One of them tried to smooth talk me. "So, how about you ditch the asshole and get with a real man."

 I smirked and chuckled a little, the irony. "You are a little hormonal boy and that asshole is my husband and the father of my baby."

 "What are you doing with my wife?" Mason said as he was now standing were the boys had me against the wall.

 "Ha Ha speak of the devil," I said with a sly amusement. These "men" were now shaken up and looking like they would piss themselves at any moment.

 "Go away," he said and they ran. "This is why i did not like the dress," he groaned taking me back in his arms and nuzzling my neck. I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair. My fun mode was gone when he started to nibble at he mark though.

  A throat cleared, "Alpha, Luna? The plane is ready now." Our guard said looking down and he was all red.

 "Perfect," Mason said against my neck.

 And security don't even get me started they all had knives and guns and ugh! It took forever to get past that. But now we are aboard the plane and heading to Florida! OH! I can't wait to go on the beach and just relax! But it was also a bit scary because I would be meeting the other Lunas, I wondered what they would think of me?

 A/N: HELLO WORLD! I know its been a while... Sorry do you forgive me? So next chapter should I start with the meeting or when they land? Hmm.... COMMENT!



 and FAN!


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