while she was distracted i went in for a kick in her stomach,she fell back but quickly recovered.How did she even recover from that?

Now we equally went on back and forth fighting.

I slowly stepped closer and closer with each swing of the sword,dodging her attacks.

I finally went in for the last blow.

I screamed as she landed a cut on my thigh.This time i didn't hesitate and sliced the blade across her chest.She let out a huge scream, she fell to the floor and dropped her sword.

I grabbed her sword and pointed both at her.

"I win"I smirked.

Seeing the look of defeat on her face made all this feel so worth it.

"I'll tell you."she sighed in defeat.

"Hurry up then."

"I,I was forced, this place is not what it seems,My job was to cause chaos in this game ,get people killed, this is not something I'm proud to admit but I set this game up in this game I'm the dealer, Goodbye."

She looked into my eyes as a laser came down from the sky and her body went limp

I stared in horror at the corpse,though I knew she was dead her eyes still remained open with the horrified look of death.

the tears started again,they poured sorrowfully down my check,She was a dealer?What did that mean she set up the game.She was forced she had to be telling the truth I could truly see it in her eyes.

I put my sword away and dropped the other one.I walked towards the tree she lay on and slowly closed her eyes, I laid her pale body on the ground .

"Goodbye,rest in peace."

Though i didn't even feel like doing anything after all that.I felt the putrid smell of smoke fill my nose.Smoke? It was a fire the trees around me were burning, someone set fire to this place,It was definitely those two,since they cant find the remaing players they decided to force them out.

"I have to get out of here."I coughed out.

I picked up the other katana and started running.Running as fast as i can out.I froze in shock as i heard the sound of a gunshot ring in my ears.


I saw him,was that Maki.

i jogged back, It looked like that man was trying to shoot him but missed, he must be the third person left.Before anything else could happen,I lifted up my jacket and picked up the gun in my right hand.With the best of my ability, I aimed then fired,I must have shot about five times before the gun stopped working.
The man immediately fell to the floor,

"Maki-san are you okay?"

I ran to him.He had a big stab wound in his leg and looked seriously hurt.

"Thank you."He cried out.

"We need to get out now before we get killed."

He nodded.I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held him securely and used all my strength to get both of us out.

We finally got to the clearing and it was a mess The dead bodies littered the place.

"10 minutes remaining."

"So it's you two left, look at all the mess you caused,I'm guessing you're the one who killed her."He pointed towards me.

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