Kyran was sitting in front of Kaminari as he ate, Kaminari looked at him nervously.

" Uhm.. "

" If it's about last night, sorry, I was high on coffee. "

" No!- uh.. "

" What? "

Kaminari stared at Kyran as Kyran was confused.

" It's just.. I can't understand if you're a girl or a boy.. your voice is mid ranged and well.. you're pretty too. " He said as he looked away nervously.

" Yes. I have balls. "

" Dang it. "

" Thanks for calling me pretty tho. You're pretty handsome yourself. " Said Kyran smirking as he just continued to eat.

Kaminari got flustered as he ate his food fast nervously.

" Is it your first time getting complimented? "

" I- uhm- well I'm usually who makes the first move on ladies so.. "

" Ah so you prefer ladies? "

" No!- I.. "

' What are you saying idiot, of course you like ladies! ' thought Kaminari as Kyran laughed.

" Haha! Don't mind the question, you seem confused. Men or Women your choice. "

Kaminari sighed as his chin was suddenly grabbed by Kyran.

" But I prefer men so that's a problem, cause you're my type you know.. " said Kyran as he stared seriously in Kaminari's eyes as Kaminari felt flustered.

" I- uh- "

" Just kidding! " He said letting go.

Kyran fixed his glasses as he continued to eat. " Let's finish our food, we still have our afternoon class. "

" Yeah! I heard All might's gonna be teaching us! " Said Kaminari, he was kinda stiff after what happened, it was his first time feeling tingly from a man.


The whole class was walking to their training grounds in their hero costumes.

" You guys look amazing! I hope you all are ready, bunch of zygotes. " Said All Might smirking.

As all might was explaining, Kaminari looked at Kyran.

" Can you breathe in that? I can't imagine how hot in that suit is.. "

" I can don't worry. I have a large lung capacity. "

" It's heroes vs. villains! Now, we will draw lots on who will team up. Come on line up! "


" ... "

" It seems you're alone. I'm really sorry! The number of students are kinda uneven.. "

" It's alright. "


They were watching the match of Midoriya and Ochako vs Bakugo and Iida.

" Dang, that Bakugo is merciless! " Said Kirishima.

" .. Childhood issues. " Said Kyran.

" Huh ? " Kaminari looked at him.

" Nothing. "


" And now finally, the last match! Since Kyran here is all alone, I'm gonna pick who will be against him! " Said All might.

He picked from the team lot box.

" Seems like Kaminari And Jirou vs. Kyran! Would you like a teammate? "

" No thanks. "

" All right. The hero is Kyran as Kaminari and Jirou are the villains. "


" I can't believe we're against him.. " said Kaminari sighing.

" Do you know him or something? "

" No not really.. "

" Match start! "

Kyran walked in the building with his bow, this time he had bows that had a smoke tube inside, it makes the inhalers paralyzed for 5 minutes, he hasn't made a strong one yet.

He was walking quietly as Jirou injected her ear-things on the floor.

" I can barely hear his footsteps, amazing. It seems like he's on floor 2. "

" Or so you thought. " Said a voice as an arrow was shot, it almost hit Jirou but it hit on the wall as smoke started appearing.

" Do you understand now why I have a mask Kaminari? Luckily this fabric blocks out gas toxic. "

" Heck yeah.. I can't feel my body! " Yelled Kaminari as Kaminari and Jirou couldn't move as Kyran touched the fake weapon.

" The hero wins! "


Kaminari was in the lockers about to leave as he suddenly saw Kyran on the doorstep, tying his shoes.

" Hey! " Said Kaminari happily as Kyran looked at Kaminari. " Hey Pikachu. "

" .. Pikachu? "

" Anything wrong ? " He said as he stood up.

" No- it's just you were so cool today! I also realised you have a capture scarf.. it's similar to our teachers. "

" It is. Except it's got stronger fiber. "

" Cool! You're really amazing! " Said Kaminari smiling. " Oh yeah by the way what's your quirk? "

" What do you mean? I don't have one. "

" Huh? "


And thats a cliffhanger LOL

Maniac Sadist |^ Kaminari x Male OcМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя