Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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The world became a chaos. Ever since a certain being called "han" appeared on earth, everything changed. Now, we are trying to survive and escape as much as we can.. But how long can we keep this going?

"The train leaves in 2 minutes, I repeat the train will leave in 2 minutes" I heard while waking up from what I thought was my eternal slumber.

I squeezed myself inside the train. It's rush hour so all the trains are full. The train is filled with office workers and seniors. Im a college student whose barely managing it.

"What the hell old hag! Let me sit there! The man with big tatoos shouted at the old lady

" Don't shout at her like that! And that seat is for seniors! " a girl defended

She's my classmate emma woods I doubt she remembers me though...

The man then grabbed emily and everyone started shouting

The commotion was then silenced when a huge thunder-like thing flashed before us.

" Humans, i have come to seize the earth. It shall be mine from now on. But as I am a merciful king I will let you on a game, if you win I can let you live. But not for long *laugh sarcastically"

"What is this twerp on about? is this some kind of prank?!" said the man with lots of tattoos

"Step one more closer and I shall show no mercy"

"Look, I have no time for your little games. Now scram! I have a buisness with this lady right here."

Before we knew it, blood splashed all around the train leaving everyone in shock. I stood there quietly observing the situation. It doesn't seem like a prank from the looks of it. It would not be wise to engage with the creature yet.

"I will now explain the rules-

Everyone rushed to the door to get out but then got killed in merely seconds.

"I was not done talking, such rude creatures" the "being" whispered

"What do you want from us?!" emily shouted while tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I was about to explain but you guys kept on interrupting. Do you want to see more bloodshed?"

Everyone held their fear and the train became silent, waiting for the being to speak once more.

"As I said I will let you join a game. The rules will be simple. You just have to escape before one of my pawns kill each one of you. Easy right?"

We all wanted to speak but kept our mouth shut to avoid being killed

"You guys are so boring. *sighs You may now find your partners to start the game. Choose you partners wisely.

" Aren't you going to give us more information about the game? And what are you? " I asked unable to hold my curiosity.

" You are quite a brave one, do not fret as other information will be given to you when you reach the lobby. As for mt name, I am called han. One of the most almighty creatures in the galaxy. Be happy that I chose earth as my playground *smirked. That will be all, run with all your might dear humans."

He disappeared, traces of light still remained. Everyone started shouting and crying loudly as if relieved they were finally able to breathe.

Groups started assembling.

" wait it says I can't join" the girl muttered

looks like there are only a maximum of 4 members per group. It will be hard to find group mates with actual will to fight.

"Hey chishiya, do you want to join our group?"
Emma asked me

I looked at them and saw a little girl and a weird looking woman. We don't know what the games would be and being with them might not be the best option. But since everybody already formed teams I don't have any choice now... But what about that old lady? Looks like no one wants her in their group

" Okay then, thank you for inviting me" I said to emily and slightly galnced at the old lady

"I invited her but she refused" she quickly responded sadly

I turned to the little girl holding her teddy bear as if her life depends on it. She looks rich with her blonde her and all

"Don't worry little girl, I won't take your teddy bear" I leaned to tell her

"(...)" she muttered

"what?" I confusingly asked her

" Cruseuise kuina D. Millde, its my name, stop calling me little girl"

"oh ok. But I still prefer little girl" i said to annoy her.

I looked at our other team mate she looks calm

"Its Vera." she said

"huh?" I asked

"My name you idiot" She said arrogantly

Why do people keep on telling me their names when I don't even ask for it? Such weird people on this team.

"I didn't ask tho" I muttered

"Just be grateful I gave you my name!" she shouted

Emma just chuckled watching us. After that a light flashed right infront of us.

"teams will now be transported in the lobby. Those who fail to find groupmates will now be executed"

Everyone looked at the old lady who could do nothing but smile

I covered the eyes of the little girl from the horrendous sight of the old lady getting murdered.

"You will be given options in the lobby, you can pick to be either a decoder, an assist or a kiter. Good luck dear humans"

After that he suddenly disappeared and a countdown appeared above our heads


We transported and we saw a table and exactly four chairs. Our hearts our beating fast. What will exactly happen to us here?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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