Song Yuan hung up her father's phone and connected her mother's phone.

It may have been that she had been mad at her father's side just now. When she was connected to her phone again, she was a little calmer than before. Explained, but the paternity test report shows that the two have a father-son relationship. Mom, what should I do? I dare not tell Rong Ting, for fear he will see. "

That end was silent for a long time.

Chen Linjing is much more calm than Song Haiping, but she speaks a lot more seriously. "Yuanyuan, don't panic. Mommy will buy the fastest ticket to Beijing, and it should be there in the evening. You have everything. Do n't say, do n't do anything. Your dad should know that, too, he must catch up and wait until we discuss it. "

With the words of her mother, Song Yuan calmed down instantly.

After hanging up, I sat at home and waited.

Rong Ting was staying at the training institution for about three hours. Even if Song Yuan was in persecution, she did not forget the child. It was almost dark now, and when she was about to go out, her cell phone rang. Yes Rong Ting called.


When Rong Ting called her like this, she knew that there should be an outsider beside him.

"The teacher said that there is a child who has a birthday and let us all stay here. I bought pizza and pasta and cake here. I may be back later. The teacher will talk to you on the phone."

"it is good."

"Rong Ting's mother? I'm Teacher Liu. There is a child here for her birthday. Her parents said she has no friends and is more introverted. She hopes to spend her birthday here and invite the children in the class to eat cake. In the classroom, don't go outside. "

"Okay, Teacher Liu, when is it better for me to pick him up?"

"The children said that they still have to watch cartoons together. If you don't mind here, you can pick them up at eight."

Song Yuan certainly has no opinion. She hopes that Rong Ting can make a few more friends, which will help him integrate into this era as soon as possible. "Okay, Teacher Liu, thank you."

Teacher Liu returned the cell phone to Rong Ting, "Rong Ting, would you like to say a few words to your mother again?"

Rong Ting took the cell phone and walked to a quieter corner. Then he said, "Mother, today is an accident. I don't really want to stay. Such things will never happen again."

Listening to what he said, he can imagine that he has a straight face. Song Yuan rushed to correct him when he heard the words, "No, no, mother likes this accident, but in the future, it will be based on your own ideas. Then, have fun. , I'll pick you up later. "

Not long after hanging up, someone knocked on the door. She looked through the cat's eyes and mom and dad were standing outside.

A few minutes later, three people were sitting in the living room. You looked at me and I looked at you, all staring at the electronic report on the mobile phone on the coffee table, the atmosphere was strangely silent.

After about a few hours of buffering, Song Haiping and Chen Linjing also looked like they saw red dust, without joy or sorrow.

After experiencing an ancient wearer and grandson who descended from the sky, it seems that weird things will happen again, and they can accept it.

"Yuanyuan, I was on the phone with your mother in the car."

Song Haiping took the initiative to break the atmosphere of silence. "Now let me talk to your mother and me. First of all, go to this paternity testing agency and ask if there is any possibility of error. You do not need to come forward with this matter. I 'll come with your mother. No matter whether this is true or not, we recommend that you do n't deal with him again. If it is true, you should treat it as if it did n't happen, and do n't let that Mr. Xie know. Staying there again, we go back. Although the medical and educational conditions over there are not as good as those in Beijing, we can rest assured to stay there. We cannot afford these families, we ca n't afford to hide, we go home . "

[MTL]My Son is a Transmigrated Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن