Asleep (a spideypool short fic)

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Quick Little Explanation!!!

this is wade's yellow box

this is wade's white box

That's it! Enjoy!

Wades POV:

I walk into the house, grocery bags in hand. I carefully sat them on the counter in me and Peters apartment, making sure not to break the eggs in the bag. As I slipped off my coat, I peered in the living to surprisingly, not seeing Peter on the couch.

I suspected he was still out, considering in was only 8:00 pm. I put away the food then slip off my shoes, ready to walk into me and Peter's room to change.

I creak open the door to find Peter, slumped over the side of the bed, (on the floor) asleep. Dead asleep.

I stand there for a second, thinking that at this time, he should be on patrol. I look down to see him still wearing his suit with his mask in his hand. His fluffy hair lays messy on his other hand and head. I kneel down and look at his adorable face.

We should kiss him!

I agree

I listen to the boxes in my head talk about kissing him and...other things.

"Would you hush!" I whisper to myself. I stand and look at Peter. I think to myself. Peter has been so stressed and overwhelmed lately so no wonder he's so tired.

He wakes up at 6:00am to go to his first college classes of the day, leaves at 8:00, works, skips lunch to work more, goes to his last classes and does homework, then patrols for a few hours and gets home by 10:30.

I've been telling him to take a day off or take a week from work, but he just sighs and says, "I'm fine. Don't worry about it!"

I know he says it, but on the inside I know he is really tired and drained. The only time he really ever gets a break is at night with me and some weekends.

Our poor baby boy :(

I know

I look at him for a minute, then gently pick him up and carefully sit him on the bed. I know he would want me to wake him up so he can patrol and finish his work, but he needs rest. Badly.

I tug off his suit carefully and slide him into one of my shirts, (which is massive on him) and his sweatpants. Thank goodness he's a hard sleeper or he would have been wide awake by now.

I gently lay his head on his pillow and tuck him in. "I love you," I whisper, kissing him gently on his forehead.

Then, I myself, finally take off my suit and slide into something else more comfortable. I slide in bed next to Peter, staring at his cute face.

Aww, he's so sweet

He looks so cute

Lets smooch him

"No. We don't want to wake him up." I say to myself. All of a sudden, I feel him move over and lay on my chest.

"I love you Wade," he mumbles to the point where it was barely legible. Then I hear him snore softly, to the point where it's not annoying. Peter talks a lot in his sleep. About food, people, places, even me sometimes. It's so cute really.

I yawn and shut my eyes while wrapping my arms around Peter. I smile as I nod of, and I fall asleep with Peter asleep on me.

Hi! If anyone reads this and likes it, I might make this into a series of one shots! Thank again for reading!

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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