○Chapter 11○

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⚠️T.W mentions of self harm⚠️

~Y/n's POV~

"I lied..because I don't want them to worry." I mumble slightly, All Might nods. "I never got your name." He says gently. *This man is purely gentle..he's so sincere..and caring* I smile softly to myself. "I'm Y/n L/n." I say finishing my breakfast.

"Yagi Toshinori. Nice to meet you Young L/n" He smiles so genuine.

~All Might's POV~

"Would it be ok if you stayed here for a while? So I can keep an eye on you." I say gently. Y/n stays quiet for a moment. "I suppose it'd be nice to sleep in a bed instead of a bench" She laughs awkwardly. "You don't have a place to go to?" She shakes her head. That's unexpected.

"So, how old are you Young L/n?" I ask with a soft smile. "Im 15." She has such a soft voice.

~a few days later, after shopping for clothes ect~

~Y/n's POV~

My wrists are bloody again. Don't know why, I'm not sad or upset. If anything. I'm happy. Yet, I did it again. I roughly wrapped them up, did a shit job. Hid the razor under my pillow.

"Young L/n, may I come in?" I hear All might call out. I quickly chuck on a jumper. "Yeah." I pull down the sleeves just in time, All Might walks in. "What did you need?" I look at him. "I was actually going to tell you that principle Nezu said that you could join UA." All Might smiles.

My eyes widen as I smile excitedly. "SERIOUSLY!?" I run up to All Might, hugging him tightly. He flinches slightly and mutters ow. I step back. "Sorry." I mumble. "No. It's ok. You didn't mean it" He says gently. *This man can't get any cuter* I mentally smile.

"You start on Tuesday, I bet Young Midoriya and Young Bakugou will be happy to see you." He smiles before leaving and closing the door. *I finally get to go to UA!!!?!* I mentally scream.

~Timeskip to Monday~
~Y/n's POV~

I'm at a park, sitting under a big tree. My nose is bleeding, I just tripped over. I'm on my phone.

What do you want damn nerd!?

Jeez Bakugou, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the arcade today?

Why the hell would I want to go anywhere with you?

Y/n: If you come with me I'll fight you.

Get ready to die!

*Man, I can't fight.* I sigh.

Meet me outside UA.


"I hope he succeeds in killing me." I laugh softly.

450 words
Have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/evening love yous 🧡

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