Chapter 9

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Before everyone left they made sure to say goodbye. It wasn't easy because we all knew it was dangerous. No one said that though, most tried to remain hopeful. Peter seemed confident enough, but then again that's just Peter. I stood next to Lucy and saw that she was worried. "Hey, Lucy they're going to be okay. Everything will work out, I promise." I force a smile, hoping it will work. Lucy just nods, her worried expression not leaving. Peter seemed to be talking with the others about their plan. They had run it over about a few hundred times. Edmund was standing next to Peter, but he didn't seem to be paying attention. Not that I blame him, Peter has been relentless recently. Of course all for good reasons. He locked eyes with me and once Peter was done talking both of them walked over. Susan was close behind.

I looked at Peter, trying to ignore Edmund's eyes on me. "You sure this is a good idea Peter?" He tiredly glanced at me. I decided to leave it alone because the poor guy had been trying to explain why his idea was a good one for the past hour or so. I didn't want to take sides, both Caspian and Peter had valid points. Still, what Lucy had said was bothering me. Caspian walked over to say that everyone was ready. Susan smiled at him and she quickly stopped when she noticed me smiling at her. Peter noticed as well and just glared at Caspian. "Be careful." Lucy said, breaking the silence. All three of her siblings looked at her. "We will Lu." Peter smiled and hugged her. Susan smiled and put a hand on her shoulder and Edmund nodded. Caspian walked next to me and smiled before we both started walking, letting the siblings have some alone time. At first it was silent but then I decided to break the silence, "So you and Susan huh?" He smiled. "I was just going to ask about you and Edmund." I blushed. "I didn't mean anything by it, you two seem so...close." He smirked a bit, causing me to laugh. "Well I know Susan fancies you." Caspian can't help but smile. "I could say the same thing about you and Edmund." I smiled, but noticed that I was wasting time. "Be safe!" Caspian nodded and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder before walking off. Caspian was very nice, I get why Susan likes him. Peter and Susan walk over to me. "I'm sorry you have to stay. If anything you might be helpful. Edmund's right though, we need strong people here." Peter's comment made me smile. We hugged and then he walked off, joining the others. Susan grabbed both of my hands, smiling. "Watch after those boys." Susan laughed and nodded. "Of course." We hugged and smiled at each other before she joined Peter. Edmund was the last to walk over. I'm glad he was the last one I was saying goodbye to. Then again, I didn't want to say goodbye. I wanted to go with him and never leave his side. "What were you and Caspian talking about earlier?" I let out a laugh. "Oh just romance stuff." Edmund's eyes got wide, a hint of jealousy appearing on his face. "Not like that! I mean...we were talking about him and Susan and you..." He smirked. "And me?" I stopped when I noticed what I said. "Me and who?" I could tell my face was bright red. "I think we both know the answer to that question." He whispers as he pulls me close with his arm around me waist. I can feel his warm breath on my neck and it makes my whole body shiver. "Please be careful." I say quietly, barely able to get any words out. He just nods as he locks eyes with me. Our foreheads touch and I wrap my arms around his neck. He attempted to pull us closer and I thought about the 'right time' to kiss him. I didn't seem to care about the 'right time.' All I know was that I wanted to close the small space between us and show him how much I wanted him. Edmund seemed to have more self control than me. He pulled back, causing me to feel hurt. He could see the pain on my face but squeezed my hand in reassurance. "When I get back." I knew what he meant and I smiled at him before nodding. I hated the idea of him leaving but I knew he had to go now. As I watched him leave with the others, my heart sank. 'What if he doesn't make it back?' I walked over to Lucy and we held each other as they faded off into the distance.

I really liked writing this chapter! It's a little different from some of the other chapters because obviously this part was not in the movie. I hope you enjoyed reading!

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