Chapter 2- Meeting with the destiny

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Ryley's POV

As I got to my office, I sat down to cool off before I start my duties of the day, which included meeting  with three possible  clients. I was excited to meet up with Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood and Michael Wardlow because I knew and loved that they not only amazing events and just had renovated the arena to give it the facelift it needed but also they gave back to community by working with pet shelters and youth groups that help keep kids and teens off the streets and express themselves in art or sports.

Additionally, I really wanted to see what they want to achieve  by using my services. I took a sip of a water and leaned back in chair as I looked over my new office. My office was pretty cosy and modern. It had big table with my computer on and picture frame, which had pictures of me and Carrie, me and my family and my friends. 

Also, I had a big cosy chair and two more chairs for my clients, as well as big shelf with books and other goodies that was required for my job

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Also, I had a big cosy chair and two more chairs for my clients, as well as big shelf with books and other goodies that was required for my job. 

Another cool feature about my place of employment was that it was per friendly thus  in my office there was pet bed in case Carrie, Navy, Alpha or Randy came with me to work. And next to it was their bowl and some toys to keep them occupied.

In addition, a cool feature or should I say cool features about my office were that not only it had great view to the city but also it was near the room where the meeting would take place thus meaning I did not had to walk far to get to the meeting.

In addition, a cool feature or should I say cool features about my office were that not only it had great view to the city but also it was near the room where the meeting would take place thus meaning I did not had to walk far to get to the meeting

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I opened my PC and began to check my schedule when Britt came in my office looking  at me. I quickly moved my eyes and asked ''Yeah?''

''They are here and do not worry, I handled coffee you just need to talk with them''Britt replied  motioning me to join her and I got up from my seat and following her to our meeting room. 

As I walked to meeting room my heart was beating faster and faster  and I did deep breaths because I wanted to calm down. 

Britt quickly noticed  my brewing panic attack and gently grabbed my hand saying ''You will do great, there is reason why you were last girl standing and got the job while posh nepotism  baby was sent home''.

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