The one who turned into a darkbearer

Start from the beginning

Before they could say anything, the tar that has spread on the ground, started to bubble up as it kept rising. Slowly a dozen eyes and a huge mouth emerged as it finally revealed its true form, roaring out loudly at everyone who are caught in its sticky tar. Everyone was stunned with terror, their eyes widened as they were shocked to see the trap of a dark bearer they were caught in. Which is on a completely different level than the darkbearers they have fought before.

Jiao: You gotta be kidding me...tch!.*he tried to lift his arm up towards the darkbear, but he suddenly couldn't move his arms at all* What?. *he said in shocked and confused tone. Looking at his hand and realizing with his eyes widened, to see a string of tar wrapped around his wrist leading to the explanation of why his arm couldn't move* Ghh!!. *he tried to use his mana to get his hand out but instead he fells to his knees, as if his energy got completely drained out* Hhh, w-what?. *his eyes were filed with confusion as he continued to breathe heavily. Looking at everyone else who shared the same fate as him, their arms just got immobilized same as him*

Andi: *upon seeing Jiao and the others, he yelled out loudly* Don't try to use your mana!!. It will absorb your mana and get stronger! There is no way to get out of that tar unless someone orders that darkbearer to do so or... Kills it!!. Right Yoshida?.

Yoshida: Hm...*he looks at the others and then looked at the dark~bearer. By the looks of it, it has been mutated to a level more than it used to be, means this is stronger than before!.*

Shiroi: You could have said that a little sooner!!. *He yelled back at Andi and Yoshida as he was completely immobilized as well by his hands and feet*

Jiao: Tchs...what else do you expect from the devil?. *he said in an angry tone as a fact that Yoshida kept the fact he knew about Andi's secret from Sha. He quickly looks at Ming who was next to him* Ming, you okay?.

Ming: What do you think Jiao?. None of us are okay!.

Sha: Do as Andi says, just stay still. I will get you all out of that.. just give me a little more time.*she said to assure her teammates even though her voice had a lot of worry present in it*

Ave: So only Sha and Andi can finish this up now?.

Aly: This sucks! Ghh!. *she pulls her arms to see if she could tryto breaking away from the sticky tar but it did not work*

Yasu: We have no choice but to depend on them.

Jiao: Thanks Captain obvious!. *he said sarcastically, still angry about everything that happened so far*

Ky: Big sis Sha!!. *he looked at Sha with worried eyes*

Sha: *she looked at Andi with worried eyes* I need to save them...what do you know about that darkbearer?. Tell me!!.

Andi: *he looked at Sha as he gulped and let out a sigh* It's one of the strongest mutated Dark bearers, December void. It's not easy to control either, but since Bech Coruscant has darkbearers inside him more than anyone else can have, he controls it easily.

Sha: December Void?. *her eyes widened upon realising the threat upon her* That's December Void?. It can't be....

Andi: Yeah, that's why I said to your friends that they have no way out. They can't escape on their own so you can't also allow yourself get caught in it. Even I can't get out of it if I get caught in it, also the devil, the owner of the forbidden land where the darkbearers were kept locked up could have gotten rid of it...but in our case unfortunately he got caught too.

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