Chapter 2

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Dark flakes resembling soot flew up into the night sky from that public bench in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The night sky hid the shards from human view even as a family mourned over the sacrifice of two brothers. No one could know the ramifications of the death of three of the five first vampires in existence. As the humans went on with their evening, a supernatural family in mourning the world around them shook.

Magic cried out at the imbalance. There would be no coming back from this.

Blissfully ignorant, the humans of New Orleans continued on their nightly walks, utterly unaware of a blonde vampire, closed her eyes, a single tear escaping her as she returned to the home of her birth. Nor of a tribrid, the first of her kind mourned the loss of her remaining parent surrounded by her remaining Aunts and Uncle. Not a single one noticed as everything changed.

No one felt it as the universe shifted.

Not a single soul on earth could feel as magic cried out as the magical scale tipped over once more. It was only those on the other side capable of sensing such a delicate shift. Where those resting in peace felt the beginning of the magical change first. Esther Mikaelson gasped audibly as she felt her eternal world shake. The sun that lit up the copy of her homeland dimmed just for a second as the magic keeping her heaven in check resettled. The movement created an avalanche in which every supernatural being at peace could feel the change in the air if they paid close enough attention.

Dahlia, her sister, stopped her twirling in the grass as the ground shook beneath her feet. The shattering continued for several minutes until, as quickly as it came, it stopped. The two ancient witches shared a look as a shimmering light shaped into an oval door materialized before their eyes.

They were being summoned.

What did your impulsive children do now?" An exasperated Dahlia asked as the shimmering slowed until it evaporated, leaving a shining door of light feet from them.

Esther gave her sister a stern look, "Dahlia, how do you know it has anything to do with my children?"

"It always has something to do with the Mikaelsons," Dahlia snorted, "Well, come on, then the sooner we know what damage they have done, the sooner we can fix the hellions mess."

Esther looked doubtful, following her elder sister as Dahlia glowed, stepping through the door. The ancient witches carefully walked into the light, stepping through to find themselves surrounded in white. Esther scanned the room, muttering spells softly under her breath, seeking to reveal a cloaking spell.
"At ease, sisters," Came a voice from the void. Dahlia watched as a woman with deep chocolate skin walked towards them, followed by thousands of witches. The spirits came out of nowhere. They appeared out of the shadows, circling the two newcomers.

"Easier said than done when being surrounded," Esther said warily, grabbing her sister's wrist. The two stood together as the surrounding witches came to a stop all around them.

"I assume you felt the shift?" The unknown witch asked, speaking for the entirety of the witches' present.

"Yes," Dahlia said simply.

"You do not know what caused it?" Another witch called from the crowd. Esther tried to see who was speaking but could not find the voice from the mass number of witches separating them.

"No, should we?" Dahlia asked, turning to stare towards her sister as if saying I-Told-You-So. As a young woman deep in the 10th century where a woman's worth was based entirely on her family. Whether or not they listened to the females based on how foolish their men were. The witch who married a Viking showed her tough skin by not reacting to her sisters' silent taunt.

Dahlia smirked.

"This shift has occurred across the universe, crossing realms affecting everything in its path. I believe even our existence here, beings at peace will soon be affected" The unknown witch spoke with such authority; at her words, Esther knew immediately who this would be about.

"Niklaus is dead," Esther replied tersely, as her complicated feelings toward her wayward son rise to prominence in her heart. Dahlia's grip on her hand tightened considerably

"Not just our Niklaus, but your Elijah as well," The witch replied. Her tone softening to convey her condolences and heartbreak .

"My nephews are dead. Are you trying to claim that they caused this shift?" Dahlia cried angrily. She just knew Esther's involvement with that Viking would cause them trouble. She just did not assume it would cause difficulty following into their deaths.

"Yes. Their deaths were never supposed to occur, Esther. No matter how hard you tried once the spell was cast. Those children were never meant to die. Fate changed course the moment you used the immortality spell, changing the fabric of time itself. Now once again, the fabric has shifted, changed. The death and rebirth of your children and now a final death for three? Soon a fourth. The fabric that keeps all as it stands is on a barely standing thread with their deaths."

Esther paled considerably at the implications this witch was landing on her feet. The death she tried so hard to keep from her children had finally won, even when her attempts failed. It was Dahlia who answered next, "My sister made her mistakes, but there is no way to change those things. You know this."
The witch smiled; it was not a kind, nurturing smile but one that filled Dahlia with dread at what would come from this woman next. The witch turned to her companions, motioning for one to step forward. Esther remembered her from their shared history, shared secrets as well as her place among the ancestors, Ayana Bennett.

Ayana stepped forward, a heartbroken look on her face, "I trusted you once and you failed me, I trusted you to carry my little saint, my Niklaus to term as it was physically impossible for me to do so without both him and I dying and you failed me! You let my son be abused by the man he called father and now I must right your wrong. We believe that combing the magical forces of the witches in peace could allow us to change one thing in history.. Magic and fate are fickle by design and under normal circumstances? It would not allow us to send someone back but to push for a change, however I do believe that we can agree that these circumstances are neither normal or ideal l therefore believe exceptions need to be made. "

As both a bennett discendent and his mother I propose sending my son back in time with both his memories and his true appearance and capabilities, not only will it give us a foothold in the past without potentially wrecking the"rest of the fabric but if done right not even these enteties will know of it "

Dahlia scoffed, "All of the power of the witches should be able to do so much more than that!"

The unknown witch hissed, "You know not of which you speak! The powers we will be dealing with will be hard-pressed to allow changes; it as it stands now we risk their wrath should they ever descover just how many liberties we have to take to insure both order and the survival of our Bloodlines! "

How will this help my sons? As you said, the order dictates the creation of vampires; if there are vampires, then my sons will be in danger," Esther asked, as Dahlia looked thoughtful. The unknown witch and Ayana shared a look, talking through an unseen connection. The witch turned back to the sisters, " Family is everything to my child. This I know As long as the Hollow goes after my grandchild, he will be willing to die, however I must have faith both in him and us"

"So be it," Esther muttered, the decision made.".

The unknown witch let out a small laugh, "sometimes the world doesn't need a hero, it needs a monster to keep the rest in line *

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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