Chapter 6: Descent

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It didn't take you long to realise why Kenma didn't want to read these scene descriptions aloud. Some of these ideas were criminally gross or criminal, period.

However, Kenma's input would've been very helpful as a lot of it was incomprehensible to an amateur, like you, who has never worked in the industry before. Most of these positions and techniques you have never even heard of before. It's like a whole other language. 

Thanks to the wonders of the internet though, you were able to search up most of the phrases and words you didn't know to see what they were like and if they would be a concern for you. Good thing is, none of the things Kuroo was asking you to do were deal breakers. Bad news is, you're probably on some sort of CIA watchlist now. 

Once you finished reading the scene descriptions, you gently picked up the laptop and placed it back in Kenma's lap, who was watching the news but this action grabbed his attention, causing him to pause the show. "Have you finished reading it? And you understood all of it?" 

You nodded, an awkward smile tugging at your lips, "Yes, I did some research."

"Well, that's great. So do you have an questions or concerns?" He paused, receiving nothing but a blank stare as he waited for you to respond but once he noticed the piece of paper he gave you only had one question on it, he continued, "You had speculations about the final scene. How are you feeling about it? Is it something you're willing to do?"

You pursed your lips, taking a moment before stating, "I guess so, yeah. I mean, I'm maybe not thrilled about it but it's an important scene and I'm willing to compromise. Plus, it's only one time." You chuckled awkwardly, trying to be as reasonable as possible so you don't mess up this golden opportunity. 

Kenma was quick to respond, "But it's not, though." He stated bluntly, "It's not 'only one time'. At BB studios, these pornos are treated like normal productions. You'll do the scene as many times as it takes to get it perfect." 

You gulped, but nodded. "Good!" Even though you are new to this,  you knew that at the end of the day, you were going to be treated just like every other porn star. And that was alright, you didn't need special treatment. "So, how many takes is that, usually? Y'know, to get it 'perfect'."

Kenma hummed, eyes fixated on this laptop screen, "Maybe once or twice."

You mentally let out a sigh of relief. "That's g—" You started, before you were cut off. 

"If you were working with a amateur director. But I'm not. Kuroo has a very specific vision for his movie and I'm here to help him recreate it, fully. So, usually that takes an upward of five takes."


He continued, in the most monotone voice, "And considering you're new and all, you're probably gonna make a lot of mistakes during your scenes too. Which is not a bad thing, we'll be patient. But that will probably mean we can expect around eight takes per scene."


"Oh, and the orgy scene does have a lot of people in too. Which increases the likelihood of someone fucking something up — a line or otherwise — so for that you can expect at least twelve takes." He stops typing and finally turns to look at you, a glint in his eyes you cannot begin to decipher, "Is that okay with you?"

He had stunned you into silence, for the most part. But after a few seconds you gathered the strength to mutter, "Um, not really." 

"That's what I thought." He relaxed in his seat as he finally managed to get his point across. "In this industry, you can't be a people pleaser. Ironic, I know." He turns to look at you once again, this time with a sincere look, "Promise me one thing, (Y/N). Always tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

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