Inspiration from Jared

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"You hear alot of good; you hear alot of bad. You just have to throw it all out and worry about who you are on the inside."

-Jared Padalecki

I've noticed that the more comfortable I've become with myself, the better actor I've become. Because once you're sure of who you are, you're not afraid to step into somebody else's shoes."

-Jared Padalecki

"Every point in your life, even if it's tough, is something to cherish and to be happy about."

-Jared Padalecki

"Don't place expectations on someone. Enjoy the time you have together amd let it go where it goes."

-Jared Padalecki

"I think with relationships, whether it's romantic or plantonic or familial, I think the more you go through, the more highs and lows you see and come out the other side... The more you come out the other side stronger."

-Jared Padalecki

"Anywhere I can be with my family is the happiest place on Earth."

-Jared Padalecki

"Don't look at things as obstacles, but a step on a ladder."

-Jared Padalecki

"If you can make a difference for one person, then it's worth it."

-Jared Padalecki

"When life beats you down, never give up."

-Jared Padalecki

"The only thing that you have, that nobody else has, is you."

-Jared Padalecki

"Always Keep Fighting."

-Jared Padalecki

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