Dear Jared

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Dear Jared,

First off, how do I start to describe how much you have done for me? I know that you're going through something now and I don't fully understand what's going on. Some may, but all I know is that you are with your family (If anyone knows, tweet me @SarahTSwartz) But I just want to tell you that you've always been there for me and inspired me to #AlwaysKeepFighting. I was inspired by your story on depression. Though I have never been depressed, I have been extremely upset and sad. I got bullied a lot in middle school by girls who kept harassing me and making fun of what I liked (Remember I was in 7th grade here, not fully feeling in control) I had to go to the vice principle a billion times because I would come to my next class crying and my teacher would always send me down to the office. It worked for a little while but then it started up again. They where now throwing stuff at my table and laughing at me and my friends. Once they were forced to write apology notes. I thought they meant it then and they never bothered me for the rest of the year. But I knew they didn't mean it back then, they may still not mean it. but we are going into our Senior year of High School in the fall and they never bothered me again and I have to say they have matured a lot since middle school. But here's the thing, Jared, a girl who has always been a brat and just an awful person (There were actually two) I over heard her say mean things about me and my twin sister. People have told us that since we're twins, we don't need any friends. In elementary school every time I went up to some one to play with, they would most of the time say, "Just play with your sister". Those things stuck with me. They made me mad about having a twin. Feeling like a total outcast. I think this is why I don't have many friends, only a few close ones. Once I and my sister decided to sit in separate seats on the bus after school because we got in a fight or something (I can't really remember, this is Middle School) Well. these girls who always sat together, and the bus was crowded at this point, went up to me and my sister, telling us to move and just sit together. Me and my sister tried to deny, it was hard. They where being complete jerks over this. They always said to us that we had to sit together because we're twins. Even on other days when we tried to make conversation with them politely, they would look at us and just tell us to talk to each other. I am feeling so much just writing this. It's bringing back memories I want to forget. But I am writing this letter to you because I want to show you how you inspired me. Because of you I always go by the motto "Always Keep Fighting". It makes me feel stronger and in control of my life and what path I decide to take. I am going to go into college and study film and hopefully get into the movie business. I want to Direct, produce, and act in my future. Because of you, I am going to achieve these dreams and never turn back. I'm only living in the present and looking ahead at my future. And because you've done so much for me, I am going to do the same for you. I'm going to always be with you and no matter what you go through, I'll always have your back. I think of you as a big brother. I respect you and I want to be the type of person you are. I look up to you like a little sister to a big brother type of way. I've got your back, Jared. Remember that. I hope you read this, Jared. But if you don't at least others will see what you've done for me. They may even share it with you via Twitter or Facebook. Just remember, I don't have a brother and I feel like you're the closest I could get to one. Remember, we are all family. As said by the words of Bobby Singer "Family don't end in blood." Remember you don't have to be blood to be a family. I'm getting thoughts from the fans on an app called Amino Supernatural. I talk to the fans there and right now we are spreading our condolences to you. They keep saying that you're a good person and they hope you feel better soon. Thank you for helping me believe in myself. You really are like my big brother. Thank you so much for everything. And remember I am praying for you and I've got your back, always.

With Much Love,

Sarah xoxo

Dear fans,

Let's all try to get this letter out to Jared. Let's tweet him this @jarpad. We need to let him see how much the fans care and how much he has changed my life, maybe even changed your lives. Let's get this out there. Don't forget to tweet #AlwaysKeepFighting in support for Jared. Don't forget you can follow and tweet me @SarahTSwartz. I love you guys and thank you. <3

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