Hagakure: In the landslide area!

Her gloves points towards Todoroki.

Hagakure: Todoroki was super strong. I was surprised!

Ojiro: Anyway, I'm glad you weren't hurt.

Todoroki: I almost froze her... That was close.

Aoyama: (Sparkles) Where... do you think I was?

Tokoyami: I see, so the people you fought were also just hooligans?

Kirishima: They underestimated us 'cause we were kids.

Aoyama: Where...

Sero: So it was Kizaru who beat up that big villain after all?

Sato: That's some crazy power, and he's the same age as us as well.

Shoji: Yeah, he's on a different level than the rest of us.

Aoyama: Where do you think I was?

Tsu: Where?

Aoyama: (Sparkles) It's a secret!

Momo: I hope that Hikari will be okay after this. He seemed badly hurt when I saw him.

Lida: I should hope so. He seemed off earlier as well.

Momo: Off?

Detective: Let's have the students return to their classroom for now. We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?

Tsu: Detective, what about Aizawa sensei?

The detective pulls out his phone and presses a button on it, playing a recording for the class.

Phone: Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facial fracture. Fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage. However, his orbital floor was broken into small pieces, and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects.

Detective: That's what he said. 

Tsu: Kero...

Mineta: No...

Ashido: What about Thirteen?

Detective: Thirteen has been treated. The laceration from the back to upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will survive. Your classmate that fought that big villain will also survive. His injuries were not life threatening, just a few broken bones and some bleeding. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office.

Momo: That's a relief...

Uraraka: Deku...!

Lida: What about Midoriya?!

Detective: Midori...? Oh, treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him, too.

Uraraka: Oh, good...

Detective: Now, go back to your classroom. 

Class: Okay.

The detective turns towards a nearby police officer with a cat head.

Detective: Sansa, I also have some business in the nurse's office. I'll leave the rest to you. 

Sansa: Yes, sir!

Uraraka: It's a cat.

Ashido: Not a dog, huh?

Bakugo is standing still in front of the USJ, seemingly thinking about something.

Kirishima: Bakugo! He said to go back to the classroom!

Bakugo: I know, bastard!

Bakugo turns around and starts heading to the busses with the rest of the class.

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