Intoduction of Main Characters

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Ace Alonzo - The campus crush aka the heartthrob. Smart and Rich. A basketball player who loves to play basketball at QPav. Loves to go to bars (versus,g side). Dont give a fuck about your feelings. Love to play girl's heart. Has family problems. Owns mansions in Manila. Thomasian

Terese Ramos - A girl who loves Pandas. Have a collection of Miniso stuff toys sa room niya. Smart and Rich. Owns mansions in Manila. Her parents expect her to have high grades everytime. Have Lung cancer and it's the reason why she's careful to everything. Thomasian

Jace Martinez - Ace's ride or die/bestfriend. Smart and Rich (but not as rich as Ace). Always with Ace everytime they're going to bars. Loves Big Motor Bikes.

Amira Smith - Terese's childhood bestfriend. A girly pop who's opposite of Terese. Used to play boy's heart but stopped because of a guy she's admiring. Loves shopping new clothes, Bags and shoes.

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