Last night i slept in pansys room since i didnt want to share it with mattheo even tho eventually i would have to.

We decided to throw a party in the common room.
couple of hours into the party we all sat down to play truth or dare (deja vu right?)

Lorenzo: Pansy truth or dare?
Lorenzo got some Veritaserum and gave it to pansy making it obvious for her to drink it
Lorenzo: what is ur bodycount?
Ravenna: what the fuck is a bodycount? Is it like how many people you've fucked or killed? I get confused sometimes.
I glanced but quickly turned away.
Pansy: 6
Lorenzo and the boys smirked. And i just burst out laughing.
Theodore: whats so funny?
Ravenna: no nothing i mean why would pansy sleep with any of you dickheads when she could literally just go with draco.
Pansy just stared at me
Pansy: venna what the actual fuck did you just say?
Ravenna: no its true you'd make a very cute couple
Lorenzo: i agree with her on this one.

Pansy: well do you boys mind if i take venna with me she obviously drunk.
All the boys nodded and she grabbed me by the hand
Ravenna: ow careful
Pansy: yeah yeah sorry
Pansy: Ravenna reverie raymore what the actual fuck did you just say?
Ravenna: pans chill out your acting like my dad.
Pansy: ok but i dont like you almost giving it away that i like him
Ravenna: relax it's obvious that draco is into you
Pansy: ok enough i hate when we fight wanna go back
Ravenna: obviously

We got back and we just decided to watch them
Me and pansy talked for a while
Pansy: venna?
Ravenna: yeah?
Pansy: can u also sleep in my dorm tonight i wanna pull an all nighter so we wouldn't go to snapes class in the morning.
Ravenna: yes of course. Anything is better than snape.

we drank more and i got tired but i was very very drunk.
We went back to the tower ( the dorms) and i went into my room without noticing.
I then saw mattheo coming into the room. I quickly got up and tried getting past him but he was blocking the door
Ravenna: for fucks sake mattheo move im tired and dont have time for this

Mattheo: look its not my fault but somehow mh father knows that ur not sleeping in this room so he ordered me to let you sleep here.
Ravenna: i dont fucking care i promised pansy i'd meet her cuz we wanted to pull an all nighter so move?
Mattheo: yeah uhm ever since you left draco started flirting with pansy and now theyre having sex in her room so unless you want to see them i'd suggest you'd stay here okay?
Ravenna: yeah uhm ok.
I hopped back into bed exhausted and not really caring if mattheo would hop into bed.

I fell asleep in seconds and slept for about 5 hours till my alarm woke me up.
Ravenna: ugh.
Mattheo : shut the fuck up.
Ravenna: wait dont we have quidditch.
Mattheo: no it got replaced by sex education
Ravenna: yeah ok good night. Mattheo:yeah not happening
Ravenna: sorry? Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do?
Mattheo: your fiancé
He winked and pulled the covers off me and picked me up then dropped me

Ravenna: ow that hurt
He left. Hes so fucking rude.
I got dressed into my uniform and went to breakfast.
I saw pansy and daphne so i ran as fast as i could to hug them
We ate breakfast and talked for awhile

Ravenna:wheres the classroom anyway?
Daphne:its where we do astronomy
I nodded and continued with my food.
We then went up to the classroom and headed to get seated. But before i could even sit down, professor snape came in and told us to follow the seating chart.
A seating chart? You've got to be kidding.

I made my way to see who i was with. Non other than mattheo marvolo riddle. oMg SuCh a CoIncIdInCe. i sighed and made my way next to him.
He didnt talk to me much cause he was talking with draco who was sitting next to pansy. AWWWW(Ship)
daphne was behind me sitting next to blaise and pansy was infront of me. I told pansy if she'd like to come with me to talk with daphne and she nodded. We made our way to her table and started talking

Moments later, professor snape barges in and we all quickly go back in out assigned seats.
He started teaching and i couldn't help but feel a pair if eyes eyeing me up and down. I started laughing.
Mattheo:why are you laughing?
Ravenna: im imagining the professor having sex.
He laughed quietly trying not to make a noise.
Mattheo: you know raymore, your not as bad as i thought you'd be
Ravenna:thank you i guess?
that was the last thing i said cause we had to focus.

For the first time ever me and mattheo bonded. It was weird even saying it. I kinda liked the idea of me and him bonding.

We continued our day normally and went back to our dorm. I headed over to the greengrasses dorm and went in. I went to daphne and hugged her. Astoria walked in
Astoria:what are you doing here? Your not allowed in my room.
Daphne: uhm technically its my room too so she can come in whenever she wants.
We talked and laughed for hours and hours on end.
Pansy was with draco so we didnt bother to try and ask her to hang out.
We decided to play smash or pass
Daphne: ill start. Venna smash or pass...mattheo
Ravenna:i dont know maybe smash? Not sure
Daphne: alright
Ravenna: ok smash or pass..theodore
Daphne: pass
Ravenna: ok ok solid answer
Daphne: draco malfoy
Ravenna:pass hes for pansy
We laughed and continued
mattheo barged in
Mattheo:raymore can you come here for a minute.
I looked at daphne just to let her know ill be back.

I followed mattheo and he apparted us to malfoy manor.
We went as usual to meet his father
Voldemort: ravenna dear may i see you dear?
Ravenna: of course my lord.
I walked into his office. I sat down and he started talking.
Voldemort: at the end of your 5th year at hogwarts you will be married to my son is that clear?
I nodded
Voldemort: we are also building a manor for just the two of you. You will be moving there at the end of summer. Is that clear?
Ravenna:Yes my lord.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BACK AT HOGWARTS//////////////
another night at hogwarts. I never really understood the reason i was marrying mattheo. But i couldnt really argue anyway.
I went back to my room and took a hot and steamy shower and went to bed. I couldnt fall asleep. I looked at the time and it was four in the morning. I suddenly hear the door opening. Mattheo..
He looked tired. He put on his pjs and made his way to the bed. He wrapped his arms around me. Was he being nice?

Mattheo: i know your awake raymore. Your a terrible actor's
Ravenna: i couldnt sleep.
Mattheo: just sleep yeah?
I nodded. I fell asleep the instant i closed my eyes.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////hey guysss so first time writing a big chapter . So i know that end of 5th year is way to early but just picture as if all wizards get married at a very young age.
Love ~N
1694 words

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