Your Christmas Present is Me

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*Hint: y/n means you or nobody

It was a pleasant evening. Snow was falling from the sky, the streets were filled with fairy lights and Christmas decorations. People were holding hands singing Christmas carols and drinking hot cocoa. The Christmas tree was standing outstandingly in the centre of town.

Y/N, who wore a grey hoodie and a black wind blocker jacket, was sitting in a cafe opposite of their apartment building. Exams were coming up, so y/n thought it'd be best to do their mock exam papers while enjoying their coffee in a nearby coffee shop.

"Argh! This Maths question is soooo harddd!" y/n said, palming their face, looking at a Mathematics mock exam paper, sighing over a question they couldn't solve.

Just then, y/n's neighbour, Rose, who wore a black sweater, a long beige coat, some boots and a pink winter hat, walked over to where they were sitting and asked, "Are you doing good? I saw you getting a bit fussy about something," Rose giggled. She dazed over y/n and took a look at the Maths questions. "Do you need some help with studying?"

Y/N blushed. Rose was their crush ever since they started high school and moved to a new apartment. They gladly accepted the offer, "Yes, I would love to have some help!"

"Great! I'll meet you at my apartment at four in the afternoon tomorrow! It's Room 204. Merry Christmas Eve!" Rose said before she left the shop.

"Me- Meet you there!" Y/N stuttered, shouting awkwardly, wondering how the heck did they manage to arrange a date- I mean, a study group with their crush.

Rose was the same grade as y/n. She always comes by this coffee shop and orders a chocolate frappuccino with a blueberry cheesecake. Y/N knew that. Y/N loves to watch her order from the counter when they are walking back from school. (Not at all creepy)

Y/N knew that Rose was fluent in many languages. She was top in most classes in school as their neighbours always gossip about how well she does in school, compared to their children. Y/N admires how intelligent she was. They always see Rose get along well with children. Y/N loves how sweet and innocent Rose was.

Just to get straight to the point, Y/N indeed was (obsessively) in love with Rose and was planning to ask her out that night.


Soon, school ended for the day and y/n immediately changed their school uniform and rushed to Rose's apartment.

Rose's room was pretty nice, really tidy and very clean. Y/N was impressed.

She then started to teach y/n the question. "π×y, what's π×y, well..."

Y/N couldn't focus on the question, and instead, y/n could only focus on her serious face and only her. They admired her beauty and hearts basically appeared in their eyes. All they could do was stare at her and think how wonderful she was.

Suddenly, a song was played on y/n's phone unexpectedly. Y/N must have accidentally touched her phone's screen and played the song! Rose snapped out of her serious mood and recognised the lyrics. It was an "All I Want For Christmas Is You" song by Justin Bieber and Mariah Carey!

Y/N's face was covered in red. They were embarrassed and kind of ashamed. They planned to play the song to Rose when they were going to ask her to go out with y/n.

Rose chuckled and asked, "Why are you playing this song while we're studying? I wasn't expecting such 'romantic' background pop music to be played."

Y/N replied, "Um... It wasn't supposed to be played at this moment. I was planning on playing this at the right time." They nervously laughed it off.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" Rose asked confusingly.

Y/N couldn't control themselves and blurted it all out in a very quick speed, "I was planning on asking you out because I have had a crush on you for a very long time and I never had the time to tell you because I was too nervous and afraid. You are an amazing and smart lady and I've never thought I would fall so madly and deeply in love with you! I- I'm sorry I ruined everything and I- "

Rose stopped y/n from saying anything by putting her finger on their lips. She was trying so hard not to laugh her ass off. She said, "Woah there! Slow down a bit!" She paused, giggling and smiling sweetly. "You're just as awe-inspiring and breathtaking as you can be. I always feel warm and comfortable when I'm around you. I feel the same way as you do with me. I like you too."

Then, y/n was shocked about what happened next. Rose gently kissed y/n's left cheek and pulled away. She chuckled and said, "We should go out sometime. I'll meet you at the coffee shop on Saturday at 6 p.m. sharp! See you there!"

Just as Rose was getting up and leaving the room to brew some tea, she said to y/n, "Oh! And Merry Christmas, darling!"

Winking before she left, leaving y/n sitting there speechless as the song was still playing.

All I was for Christmas is you ~


Merry Christmas everybody!

Hope you like this one-shot of mine!

Inspired by Natalie Lee.

Plot idea created by Natalie Lee.

Author: Rochelle Lee.

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