Staring at Vegas laugh at a stupid joke Kinn made Pete could also feel the grin creep up his face. It was so beautiful. The way Vegas' gums peeked out, his eyes turning into pretty half moons. Pete could see the happiness radiate off the younger, having to readjust his glasses every two seconds since they kept coming down.

Everything Vegas did, Pete fell in love more.

Vegas. Pete reached out his hand, gasping lightly when he felt the hard concrete, vision slowly bleeding into black.

His body hit the sidewalk with a loud thud scaring the pedestrians. Screams and panicked shouts filled the air while people circled Pete's body. Blood was oozing out of his head, eyes closed shut and lips parted. His limbs were placed awkwardly probably broken.

-Back In The Office-

Vegas knocked on Pete's door walking in expecting to see his best friend there, but a frown replaced his tiny smile seeing just a black seat. "Pete?" He asked placing the thin file folder on the olders desk. Vegas raised his head to check the time. He must've gone out for lunch.

"Baby." Tay stood by the doorway smiling at his boyfriend. Vegas instantly forgot everything seeing that breathtaking smile. "Hey, want to go grab lunch?" The ravenette nodded interlocking hands with his lover.

Tay and Vegas made aimless conversation going out of the building, but the two paused seeing an ambulance rush away. "What happened here?" Vegas asked Tay. His silver haired boyfriend tip toed but saw nothing except the crowd. "I don't know. Probably an accident." The topic was dropped and they got in Vegas' car.

"Have you guys seen Pete?" Porsche went around asking everyone feeling this weird uneasiness in his stomach. "No." It's been a good four hours since lunch yet the brunette had still failed to show up. "He probably just went home." Vegas said munching on carrots.

"Maybe." Porsche sighed chewing on his bottom lip. "I don't know though, something seems wrong." Kinn came up from behind him grabbing the tanned males hand. "It's probably nothing babe. Don't overthink it. We can always go see him tomorrow yeah?" Porsche nodded still worried.

He couldn't shake off the feeling that something had happened. Something bad.

And the next day confirmed that. Him and Kinn had been standing outside Pete's apartment for the last forty five minutes knocking, calling and ringing the doorbell. No one answered and the calls went straight the voicemail.

"I don't know what if something is wrong with him and I don't know it?" Kinn sighed grabbing his boyfriend's shoulders. Looking into Porsche's dread filled eyes he tried easing the younger. "You said something was going on with Pete's grandma, I'm sure that he just went to visit her. And he probably turned off his phone to not get disturbed."

"He did say his grandma was sick." Porsche whispered whole Kinn nodded. "Exactly. Give Pete a couple days and he'll come back. You know how he is with his grandma." Porsche nodded unsure.

What Kinn was saying made sense. Everyone knew Pete usually went offline whenever returning to his hometown.

Almost a week later and Pete still hasn't returned but that feeling Porsche had did. He walked into Vegas' room about to ask him if he's heard of the brunette since Pete told Vegas everything. But the tanned male immediately regretted it walking in on him and Tay sucking face. "Never mind." He said loudly slamming the door.

Sighing deeply the tall male sunk down in his chair, not realizing how much Pete had made him happier until the younger wasn't there. Come back quick please.

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