"Thanks Chris." Robyn smiles pulling him into a quick hug, Onika could only scowl at that.

Who the heck was this dude?! He didn't seem all too much like just a 'friend' at this point.

Robyn walks towards the couch to give Royalty a little goodbye kiss leaving Onika and Chris standing, Nicki could only stare at the side of his face in slight annoyance.


"Come on Nic, let's go?" Robyn says to which Nicki hums and they both walk out the house but not before Robyn had told him a quick goodbye, Onika just rolls her eyes following the taller girl out the house.


"Who's Chris?" Was the first question Onika asks as they continued their drive to Beyoncé's new apartment.

"My friend, why?" Robyn asks looking at the girl for a brief second before looking back at the road.

"Oh nothing.." Onika mumbles looking out the window.

Robyn just shrugs off her weird behavior...

"Alright, what's up with you?" For the past ten minutes the car had been pin drop silent causing Robyn to believe that something truly was bothering the girl.


"You too quiet and that's something."

"When does being quiet mean something's up?" Onika asks sarcastically.

"I never said it did but you've been quiet since we left Chris's house."

Robyn turns her head fast enough to catch Onika rolling her eyes at the mention of 'Chris.'

"Who you rolling ya' eyes at?... Wait. wait are you jealous?!" Robyn couldn't help but laugh at her own statement finding it highly comical.

"I'm not fucking jealous."

"Wow and you cussing too..." Robyn couldn't stop laughing at this point.

"You really think you shit huh?.. girl drive." Onika rolls her eyes letting out a quiet laugh as well, she couldn't help it Robyn's laugh was contagious.

"What it look like I've been doing since?" Onika rolls her eyes at the question again.

"If you keep doing that, you know you're eyes are gonna get stuck right?"

"They're not." Onika says shaking her head with a little laugh.

"Hmm.. I could've sweared they would."

"Well you're wrong they wouldn't."


They made a little more conversation before they finally reached the address they had typed into the GPS, it was a nice looking apartment complex in an upper scale area.

Though the place didn't look as nice as Beyoncé's former house, it was still pretty decent looking.

"Did she tell you what number?" Onika asks as they both walk into the building.

"Yeah.." they walk for awhile, taking the elevator before they finally reached the floor Beyoncé was staying on which was the third floor.

Robyn rang the doorbell as they both waited, the sound of shuffling sounded inside before footsteps approached the door and the door was finally swung open revealing Beyoncé who was dressed in a simple yellow sundress, her hair packed into a messy bun a top her head.

"Ugh finally, I could really use some help right now." Beyoncé says opening the door wider for them.

The place was pretty bland since she'd moved in not too long ago but it was still nice and spacious.

"You never really told us why you moved though?" Robyn says looking around the house, Onika doing the same admiring the architectural design.

"Long story short my father tried to force me to get married to Shawn so I left." Beyoncé shrugs nonchalantly walking towards the kitchen the other two girls following suit.

"Has he called you since then?" Onika was the one to ask this now as they all sat on the barstools around the island.

"Nope, he probably doesn't even care."

Both Robyn and Onika didn't even know what to say to that but they could sense Beyoncé didn't really want to talk about it.

"Well then let's get to organizing shall we?" Robyn was the one to change the subject now.


Onika helped Beyoncé with organizing her things into their right places, while Robyn helped with putting the living room together, hanging up paintings and such.

Almost four hours later and the place had finally come together, all girls laid up on the couch in the living room.

"I'm so tired!" Robyn was the one to announce this flopping down the couch, "I feel you." Onika says too sitting on the opposite couch.

"How 'bout we go out to get lunch?" Beyoncé offers to which both girls nod.

They all put on their shoes walking out the door, they had taken Onika's car out to get some Popeyes.

"Where do y'all think our relationship would've been if in another situation.." Beyoncé says a bit absentmindedly breaking the silence of the room.

They were all currently cuddled up in Beyoncé's bed watching the Netflix series— Wednesday.

It was quiet for awhile both girls really thinking about the question where would they have been if they were in a different situation?

"I don't know honestly.." Onika mumbles, she wouldn't mind them being together but in her head she felt it was highly unlikely.

"Do y-you think we'd have been d-dating?" Beyoncé asks quietly though both girls had heard it.. it had been bothering her for awhile now, she knew she liked them both and they both knew and reciprocated it too so what really was the problem.

They both knew about her situation but she didn't know about them and she never really questioned it honestly, she never questioned why Onika would come to school on some days a little bruised up, she never questioned why Robyn worked a part-time job and had to pay most of her bills when she had a mother.

"Probably.. but.. that's kinda weird now." Robyn could only mutter.

"Weird how?" Beyoncé's interest was piqued at this point, "Well we.." Robyn says motioning between herself and Onika "..just found out that our parents are dating."

Beyoncé looked to Onika in a shocked yet confused look, Onika could only nod still weirded out by it.

It was silent from then..

Beyoncé could only think about her life at this point, they already knew so much about her, yet she knew very little about them...


"It's almost five we gotta go." Robyn says moving up from the bed, they'd continued on their movie in silence until Robyn had taken a look at the alarm clock besides Beyoncé's bed.

"Ugh.. then I'm gonna be bored again!" Beyoncé pouts, she hated being all by herself in this big ass apartment... It could get really lonely at times.

"Uhh.. we can still face time?" Onika suggests getting up as well.

"Fine! But if I call you, you better pick up!" She says to which both girls nod.

They wish one another their goodbyes before both Onika and Robyn then departed.








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I learnt that a lot of you who read my book don't actually follow, why is that🤔🤨?

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