Showered With Love

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Hermione was setting some things out on the counter while Draco talked, but she turned to face him.

"Yes, I am," she told him. "What's it to-" She put down the comb she was holding. He was grinning from ear to ear. "You're wanting to join or something?"

He looked down, trying to portray innocence. "Oh, no, just wondering..." He looked up at her suggestively.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Oh, fine, get in here." She grabbed his arm, and he almost fell as she pulled him inside, a huge smirk on his face. She closed the door behind him.

"You know," she started, looking doubtful, as he sat on the toilet seat watching her, "my shower is pretty damn small."

"Even better," he winked.

She rolled her eyes while attempting to comb through her bushy hair, so it wouldn't get too tangled in the shower, then gave up when her hair started to eat up the comb. She turned to look at Draco, sceptical. He smirked, looking like he won something.

"Ugh, you're impossible," she told him and rolled her eyes.

As she was already nude, she walked over to the shower and turned it on, turning the knob until the water was hot. She turned back around to say something to Draco and found him standing there, smirking again.

"Oh!" She yelped in surprise.

He gently cupped her face in his hands and looked into her brown eyes. Draco and Hermione were quiet, the only sound being the running water next to them. He pulled her closer to him, and she leaned in to meet him halfway, he immediately claiming her top lip. He pulled back from her mouth and made his way to her neck, sucking it gently, leaving little red marks where he had been. Her head was up, her mouth open as pleasure filled her.

"Oh!" She jumped and put a hand to her neck. "Did you just nibble me?"

"Sorry," he lied, tracing her collarbone with his finger, "I wanted to claim you."

She scowled and folded her arms. "I am not to be claimed. I am an individual and-"

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, hush, Granger." He pulled her face into his hands again and stared into her eyes. "I'm just joking," he whispered.

Her eyes were glued to his, almost hypnotised. "You are not!" She shoved his shoulder.

"Fine, you caught me," he admitted. "I just want you all to myself."

Hermione grabbed his hand and put it on her waist, pulling him closer to her. "You have me," she whispered.

She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, eyeing his lips with hunger. Standing on her tiptoes, her lips met his. When they pulled apart he was smiling with his eyes closed, clearly content. She turned around, stepped over the lip of the shower and walked in, the steaming hot water running down her naked body. He watched her but didn't follow. He couldn't stop staring at her body.

Hermione turned around when she realised Draco hadn't followed her in and she laughed. "What? Is something wrong?" She looked around her and then up and down her body to find the source.

Draco shook his head like he was getting rid of some fog. "No!" He assured her. "I'm sorry. I can't seem to stop admiring you."

Her cheeks turned pink. Draco stepped into the shower with her, and he closed the shower door behind him. He stood behind her and she grinned. She picked up the bottle of rose-scented body wash on the little shelf that was built into the shower wall and flipped the lid open.

"Here," he said, putting out his hand for the bottle, "let me." He was still behind her, and she handed him the bottle. He turned the bottle upside down, put a small amount in his right hand, and then set the container back on the shelf. As he gently rubbed her back, the soap created bubbles wherever his hand passed. She put her head down a little, feeling the wonderful sensation that was Draco's hand, gliding across her skin.

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