Chapter 13 - New Neighbor

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September 23rd, 2011

Veronica Stark's POV

Let's just say recovery from being shot fucking sucks. I moved out of the Malibu mansion and into my apartment in Brooklyn since I can't take frequent flights from California to New York. In fact, I didn't even get to go back to work until the very end of last year. So now my commute is just from my apartment in Brooklyn to Stark Tower in Manhattan. I only go in a few times a week and only if it's important since I am still recovering from nearly dying. But the most annoying thing about being injured is I have been suspended from S.H.I.E.L.D. missions until further notice. But it has almost been a year and I am mostly healed, they can at least allow me back in the lab because I still have "minor heart problems." Just because my heart every now and then decides it wants to do funky shit doesn't mean I can't work in a lab.

Which is how I find myself marching into the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in New York City. "Fury!" I declare as dramatically as possible as I march into his office. "Will you please take me off of suspension? I am getting fucking bored!" I exclaim as I slump into the chair in front of his desk.

"Ah, Ms. Stark I was wondering how long it would be before you came here begging me for a mission?" I roll my eyes. Of course, Fury has been expecting me. He ruins all my fun.

"I don't necessarily need a mission since I'm not completely 100% but you could at least let me back into the lab. I have ideas that are waiting to be put into action." It's true. I can't even use the lab in the Stark Tower because Tony locked me out and even when I hacked into it Jarvis refused to let me in.

"Yeah, that's not happening. Your physical therapist has told me you still have motor issues and you know the heart issues." Dammit, Dr. Goldstein. Has he never heard the term snitches end up in ditches?

"That little snitch," I mumble under my breath as I cross my arms annoyed by this entire situation.

"But I do have something you can do for me." With that I immediately sit up, eager to know what it is.

"I will do anything to not be stuck in my apartment or the office." Normally I would hang out with Natasha and Clint but they have been on a mission somewhere in Asia for the last two months.

"Great. Have you seen the news lately about a certain Captain coming back from the dead?" Of course, I know what he is referencing Steve Rogers's recent defrosting.

"Of course. How couldn't I? It's been all over the news."

"Yes, well as you can imagine it would be hard for someone to adjust to almost 70 years of changes which is why I need your help. The Captain will need help adjusting to the 21st century which is why he is moving into the vacant apartment next to yours."

"Wait! Take a step back. Don't you think it's overstepping his boundaries by sending an agent to befriend him? If I was him I wouldn't trust a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent," I muse. I certainly wouldn't appreciate being spied on almost immediately after coming back from the dead.

"I need someone to keep an eye on him. Make sure that his abilities haven't deteriorated during his time on the ice." I am beginning to get angry. I don't know why. Maybe it's because Fury wants to spy on a literal WW2 hero who crashed a plane so New York actually still exists to see if he is fit to go back into combat.

"No," I state simply apparently completely shocking Fury.

"No! What do you mean, no? You were just begging me for a mission not even two minutes ago!"

"I am not going to spy on a war veteran so you can test if he is stable to go right back into fighting. It may seem like 70 years since the war ended but to him it was three weeks ago and you want to throw him right back into it."

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