Chapter One

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Pairing: Kagome/Hawks (Incest)

Summary: They didn't care if it was wrong. All they could count on and trust was each other. So they would put on a smile and be the pawns of the Hero society wanted them to long as they could come home to each other it didn't matter. They were siblings during the day and would be lovers at night.

Chapter One

Kagome silently cried in the corner of the room; her black wings encased around her as she tried to muffle any whimpers that escaped her lips. She had to be strong. She couldn't break down so easily.

"Little raven?" A voice softly echoed through the room making Kagome curl into herself more. She didn't want anyone to see her like this...especially not him.

Not her big brother. He had it worse than her; she had no right to cry.

"Shhh" her brother whispered, coming over to her picking her up and wrapping his arms around her. He let a couple soft chirping noises making the cries she was holding back fall past her lips.

"Big brother..." Kagome whispered before her own set of sad, exhausted chirps left her, her wings curling back so her brother could see her. Arms tightened around her and a soft voice started singing a lullaby.

The sound of his voice lulled her back from her dark thoughts, her tears slowing as she buried her face into his chest. She gave a wince when she moved, her body bruised from that day's training.

"Little raven. It's okay. We just have to stay strong to make it through this." He softly spoke, never once letting his grip on her loosen, even as his own hands shook. He curled his bright red wings around them both as they stayed wrapped in each other's arms in the dark room.

They had been sold by their parents to the Hero Safety Commission to be made into heroes, but the training they were being put through was hard and cruel. They both knew this wasn't right, but it wasn't like they had a choice....that and they didn't want to chance being separated.

They would endure this so they could stay together. They were siblings and would watch each other's backs. They could patch one another up and hold each other when the other cries.

The two of them had been here for two years and it was still hard, but one day they would find a way out of the hero commission grip. Then they would be free to live far away from the world that had sentenced them to this fate and not worry about anything but each other.

They just had to make it through....they could be strong.


Kagome was brought out of her memories as she looked at her handler with a bored look in her blue eyes, she didn't want to be here. She wanted to be buried in the blankets of her bed and sleeping. She didn't want to be awake at four in the morning to figure out how she was going to make her debut in the world as a hero.

Her brother had been a hero for the last few years and now it was her turn to follow after him.

"Do you understand, Raven?" The woman's sharp voice made Kagome's feathers stand on end.

Kagome nodded, "I understand. I will be on standby so when you call me I can fly to the scene to make my debut." She didn't want to. She didn't want to be a hero.

The woman gave Kagome a small glare before she waved her hand, "You're dismissed."

Kagome didn't have to be told twice before she left the room, a scowl on her face at the woman. She didn't like the woman who was her 'handler' . She was a sad excuse of a human being and was a cruel woman. Her cruelty had been used on Kagome on more than one occasion.

"Kagome. What are you doing here at this time." Kagome blinked as she turned the corner to see her brother. A bright smile lit up on her face as she walked over to him.

"I was talking to my handler; I will be doing by debut once they find an incident or villain, they deem worthy as a debut." She told her brother, and could see his golden eyes darken in fury but quickly hid it as his own handler was standing next to him.

"Ah, Raven." The handler gave her a smile in greeting, "Once you have debuted too, we will be doing a cover on you and Hawks as siblings as well. The media will eat it up. Two siblings both making an impact on the world."

Kagome refrained from rolling her eyes, and kept her smile on her face, even when some of her wing feathers puffed up in aggravation.

"My handler will fill me in on it when it is time them." Kagome turned her attention back to her brother, "I am on full standby and have to stay in the main building or the medical bay till I debut." Meaning she couldn't leave until it happened. She would eat and sleep there at the training headquarters until they made her debut happen.

Kagome could tell from her brother's stiffening posture that he was angry and would hear him rant about it later, but for now he just gave a smile to her in return.

"I will watch the news until I see you on there then." Hawks gave his sister a grin, before moving to give her forehead a kiss before walking away with his handler, who was giving him a couple files on what she knew were new missions he would have to complete.

Kagome took a breath and moved to sit on one of the chairs in the far corner, having a feeling she would be waiting awhile before the Hero Commissions office found something they thought was worthy of one of their little projects.

She had been there long enough to know how they thought..that and she saw how they did it to her brother. Though it sucked they had to pick today to do this, but Kagome knew it was just because they were tired of hiding her in the shadows when she could be making them money.

The media had gotten wind of Hawks with someone out in public more than once and had a feeling that is why the moment she turned eighteen they were ready for her to have her face in the media.

'Some birthday today is.' Kagome thought as she leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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