This is all my all my fault/He's still alive but not for much longer!

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After recovering from his dream and near-death experience, Mater was upset! Professor Z said that before he was knocked out was that he could have warned Lightning about their plans to kill him when he had the chance, but he didn't! Back in Italy, Finn said that he was a fool! And it's because he's such a big one that he believes that McQueen has been killed! Filled with despair and broken that he let his best friend in the world down twice, Mater blamed himself for this mess!

"Oh, this... This is all my fault!"

"Don't be a fool, Mater!"

"But I am, remember?! You said so!"

"When did I...?! (Realizes what Mater is referring to!) Oh. Mater, I was complimenting you on what a good spy you are..."

Angry and upset because he believes that his best friend is killed because of his actions, Mater couldn't take it anymore before lashing out loud!

"I'M NOT A SPY!!!"

Finn and Holley are stunned as Mater's harsh words echo throughout the clock! Seeing that his friends knew that he wasn't joking around, Mater explained the truth to them!

"I've been trying to tell you that the whole time. I really am just a tow truck!"

"Finn, he's not joking!"

Finn frowned, knowing that he didn't need to be told twice if Mater was this angry and upset! "I know..."

Mater hung his head in despair, believing that it is because of him and his foolishness that McQueen is dead! "You were right, Finn. I'm a fool! And what's happened to McQueen is 'cause I'm such a big one! This is all my fault..."

Holley and Finn hated to see Mater so broken and full of despair, beating himself up over losing his best friend! Finn wanted to say that they couldn't have gotten this far in the mission without Mater's help, that he was way more than just a Tow Truck! But before he could, Grem and Acer came up, revealing the Death ray camera!

"Good! You're up."

"And just in time!"

"Professor Z wanted you to have a front-row seat, for the death of Lightning McQueen!"

Mater was relieved a little, McQueen was Ok?! "He's still alive?"

The two of them grinned at each other, as they aimed it through the clock tower! "Not for much longer!"

But Mater had bigger things to worry about as he dropped down towards the huge grinding  gears again!"

"Whoa! Huh?!"

Finn and Holley's gear turns into another gear, about to be killed by a clock as Big Bentley's clock begins to strike another minute!

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