1 - Lemonkid loses it

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Lemonkid arrived at the door. He had his casual wear, but this trip was on buisness. Lemonkid was to kill them or else he was not paid and wouldn't get the love he was promised. Lemonkid knocked on the door in a gentlemanly manner. He was all but rude to the one he would violently murder just moments later, she walked right into Lemonkids trap. Little did Lemonkid know that he was being scammed by his employer.

Lemonkid was a sly boy. He had never been caught, his employer made sure of it. Even if Lemonkid was caught his employer would flee the scene like the morally broken man that he is. The little assassin shoved gun's barrel against her sweat soaked hair and mercilessly pulls the trigger.

"Lemonkid" the employer said "what have you done" in a mocking tone

"Lemonkid" they all say "you've messed up Lemonkid"

"Mother doesn't you Lemonkid, Mother said it herself" says brother.

Lemonkid shook his head. "Is this true?" he asked them all, but Lemonkid already knew the answer to that question. Lemonkid was a MURDERER and he would be CHARGED, thought Lemonkid. His life was ruined, nobody would except him into society and even if he was he would have murder on his criminal records, now THAT doesn't sound very good; does it? "Lemonkid is evil and he will burn in the gates of rad" the green men called "He will suffer for all the pain that he has caused."

Lemonkid didn't want this, he was a good boy. They were all the bad ones, Lemonkid wasn't the rotten one in the bunch. Employer is a parasite that won't get out of Lemonkid's head. As when one is given enough money they will do anything, without mind of the consequences. Lemonkid was just a fool bird who did no harm and no pain. Nobody is dead, they're all alive and well and he's doin' just fine ain't he?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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