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The students of 1-A were chatting amongst themselves just before their first class began. As soon as Y/n walked in with Mina, the air slightly shifted.

Mineta nudged Kaminari upon their arrival, "Has Y/n always been this sexily beautiful?" with eyes directed at her legs.

Overhearing this, Ojiro whacked Mineta with his tail, "Don't objectify her."

"Objectify who?" Bakugō enquired, sliding into his seat.

"Y/n." Kaminari answered, causing Bakugō to turn to where Y/n was now standing, by the window with Mina.

His jaw almost dropped, Y/n looked radiant and confident, more so than usual, and to top it off, well, she looked alluring. He turned back to the group before he was caught staring but was proud of her for being serious about this.

Meanwhile, the duo were in conversation and Mina was in disbelief as Y/n recounted yesterday nights events.

In a quiet voice, she explained how Bakugō offered to help her seduce Todoroki, retold all the tips he gave her, even narrated when Todoroki himself knocked at the door, but she didn't mention Bakugō saying he liked her. It felt too personal, the least she could do was not spread it around, especially since Bakugō was willing to help her with something so big despite his feelings.

"Girl I cannot believe this!" Mina whispered, "This is so good!! I cannot believe of all people Bakugō is the one helping you seduce your crush!"

"I know right!" Y/n gushed at the thought of successfully seducing Todoroki.

"Y/n and Mina, to your seats please." Mr Aizawa spoke with great fatigue, causing most of the class to glance in the duo's direction, this included Todoroki, which gave Y/n a slight confidence boost.

Around 40 minutes in, Aizawa mentioned a group project. It would be 5 groups of 4, considering there were 20 people in the class and Y/n knew she needed to be in Todoroki's group no matter what.

"You may get into groups of four of your choice now. Wake me up when everyone has decided on their group." Aizawa spoke sleepily, closing his eyes.

As soon as Y/n turned around, she saw Yaoyorozu turning to Todoroki, "Can I be in your group Todoroki-kun?" she asked, batting her eyelashes and tilting her head slightly.

"Uh sure." he agreed.

Y/n groaned, and turned to where Mina sat, she had already bee-lined to Kirishima who was with Sero and Shoji.

"Katsuki, join our group." Todoroki said pointedly at Bakugō.

"Why would I wanna join your group huh? You think you can just lump us together icy-hot?" the latter grumbled, but still joined them anyway.

Most groups had finished or almost finished forming.

Mina, Kirishima, Sero and Shoji were a group.

Kaminari, Jiro, Mineta and Asui were a group.

Uraraka, Iida, Midoriya and Tokoyami were a group.

Y/n could either join Sato, Koda and Ojiro or, Todoroki, Bakugō and Yaoyorozu. She didn't know which was worse- a group of guys she had nothing in common with, or a group with the guy she liked, a guy that liked her, and a girl that liked the guy she liked. She glanced over at Aoyama, but he had no interest in picking a group, he just kept readjusting his hair in his pocket mirror.

"Oi Y/n, come here." Bakugō beckoned her.

Whelp. Choice made.

Upon seeing this, Aoyama sauntered over to Sato, Koda and Ojiro and continued admiring himself, beside them.

"There's a spare seat here, you can sit beside me." Bakugō told Y/n, to which she obliged and sat next to him silently.

Iida went to wake up Aizawa whilst the others engaged in small talk and conversation.

"I want you all to present to the other groups the ways in which quirks have impacted society." Aizawa finally announced.

"Excuse me, but Sensei I thought this was an English Language class." Asui spoke, causing others to murmur in agreement.

"That's why you'll have to do your presentation in English, presentation dates will be on Friday." Aizawa declared, "You can have the rest of the lesson to plan and prepare since you have three more days to deliver your work. Be as creative as you would like, but if you use your quirk in the presentation in a way that could endanger others, your entire group will immediately fail." he finished, walking straight out of the door with no time for other questions.

"This is so cool." Sero exclaimed.

"Did you hear the part where he said it has to be in English?!" Denki spoke exasperatedly.

"I think we should split up what we're doing. Give everyone different jobs." Yaoyorozu spoke to her group.

Y/n nodded, divide and conquer was always a good strategy.

She continued on to say, "Maybe two people can do the research, and the other two can make the presentation and the scripts?" she asked, without giving anyone a second to object, "Todoroki-kun, what task would you prefer to do?"

"I'm fine with anything." he shrugged.

"Okay I think your good attention to detail could make you good in the research department. That settles it, Todoroki and I will do the research and Bakugō and Y/n can focus on the presentation of our findings and the scripts of what we'll say when presenting! Good work everyone, let's work hard!!"

Bakugō glanced at Y/n with uncertainty and so she said, "Actually, I'm pretty good at research, I can use time to my expense to do a lot of it because of my quirk, it'll be detailed and thorough too."

"Well then, I guess Todoroki and I can do the scripts and presentation whilst you and Bakugō do the research! Now that that's settled, we should meet on Wednesday after classes in one of our dorms to check our progress. I don't mind using mine." Yaoyorozu suggested.

"That's great!" Y/n smiled passive aggressively, gritting her teeth slightly. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki didn't notice it, but Bakugō did, and rubbed her palm to calm her down, which she appreciated.

However, Todoroki did notice that small act of affection that took place under the table, and then he noticed Y/n's legs were displayed, which was slightly out of the ordinary as she usually wore tights. He disregarded this and turned back to Yaoyorozu as she spoke about the plan of action.


A/N- I know I left out Hagakure, but Y/N had to replace someone and well.. Hagakure is invisible!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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