Catherine zeta jones

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"I'm telling you it would be so funny" Jenna has been trying to convince me to do some TikTok trend on kitty for like twenty minutes

"How will it be funny she probably wouldn't even notice or care that I called her Catherine instead of one of her nicknames," I say

"Well if you think that then sure you've got nothing to lose why not just do it please" she begs getting on her knees and being dramatic as usual

"Oh my word fine I'll do it now get up," I say and she celebrates

"Come on then she's about to finish her scene," she says and we head over to set. After Kitty finishes her scene she comes straight over to me engulfing me in a hug and we talk for a while

"Gabby we're ready for you now" a member of the crew shouts over

Okay! I'll see you after Catherine" I say and walk away not missing how her face drops

"Did you do it did you do it" Jenna comes over all excited while we wait for Gwen to get her makeup touched up

"Yep," I say

"Well don't leave me hanging what happened"

"I just said I'll see you later Catherine and then walked away her face kinda dropped tho"

"Who's face dropped," Gwen asks walking over

"Catherine's," Jenna says excitedly

"What why? is she all right and why do you sound so excited, Jenna?" Gwen asks disapprovingly

"I called her Catherine," I say feeling guilty thinking about Catherine's face

"What why?"

"It's a trend on TikTok usually it's a couple who does it but I knew it would work for them it's like a prank to see how the person would react" Jenna explains

"Right. Where is Catherine doesn't she usually watch if Gabby's in a scene?"

"She's right over ther-" I start but realise kitty isn't there anymore "Oh well she was over there," I say worried that I made her mad or worse hurt her feelings

"I'm sure she just went to the bathroom or something," Jenna says when she sees my face

"Okay place's ladies" the director calls and we do our scene

After our scene, Emma comes over "Hey Gabby did something happen between you and Catherine?" She asks

"Why," I ask as my heart drops

"Well she looked kinda sad so I asked her if she was okay and she snapped a little and said she was fine then I asked her if since I was coming here anyway she wanted me to get you and she said no and told me to leave her alone," she says

"JENNA IM GONNA KILL YOU" I shout over to Jenna and she looks up scared

"Why what did I do"

"You see you and your stupid TikTok trends I can't even next time you want to do one please leave me and Kitty out of it," I say walking away to find Kitty.

I find her in her trailer curled up on the sofa sniffling "Knock knock" I say standing in the doorway and she wipes tears that I didn't notice before "Hey why are you crying, sweetheart?" I say walking over and sitting beside her

"Are you mad at me cause if you are I don't know what I did but I'm really sorry" she rambles

"Hey no no I'm not mad at you I promise," I say pulling her into a hug and she looks at me confused

"Why did you call me Catherine you never call me Catherine well except when you're yelling at me cause I stole your phone to take selfies or something but even then you say it in a sarcastic way," she says looking at me with big sad chocolate orbs

"I let Jenna talk me into some stupid trend I'm sorry I didn't think you would care so much" I apologise

"I don't know just the thought of you being so mad at me that you called me Catherine and I couldn't even think of anything that I did wrong just made me really sad and then Emma was asking me if I was okay and I snapped at her but I didn't mean to and that just made me even more upset," she says and buries her head in my neck

"Is that all?" I say remembering the date

"Okay and maybe I'm on my period" she mumbles and I chuckle

"That sounds about right"

"Oh shut up" she mumbles into my neck

"Come even you have to admit that my KitKat can get a little emotional during her lady days," I say and she huffs "It's okay doll I've got you," I say as she gets comfy in my lap

A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door " Hey Catherine is Gabby in there with you?" I hear Jenna say

"Yeah come on in Jen," I say and she walks in with a guilty face which gets worse when she sees Kitty snuggling into me

"Is she okay?" She asks

"She's fine Ortega," kitty say's annoyed her face still in the crook of my neck

"Listen I'm sorry Catherine I really didn't think it would hurt your feelings I thought it would be funny but it wasn't and I'm sorry for making you do it gabby" she apologises and Kitty looks up at her then gets up and walks over and pulls Jenna into a hug

"It's alright Jenna and I overreacted a little"

"Nah I don't think Gwen would've reacted any differently if I suddenly started calling her Gwendoline," Jenna says causing Kitty to chuckle

"Yes I think she rather like's being called your woman," Kitty says pulling away and they both smile at each other

"Well now that that's settled I think we should get some lunch," I say getting up

"Do you think about anything other than food?" Kitty says giggling

"Eh not really," I say as we walk out of Kitty's trailer

"Well except for when you're thinking about Catherine of course," Jenna says

"of course"

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