"Your still young."

"17 isn't even young, eh I've liked older than you anyways ."

"I feel the next few round are going to be harsh, this doesn't feel right it's too easy."

" Your right."

"How long have you been here Chisiya, It's my third day here today, what do you know about this place?"

"I know what you know, we have to play the games to earn days on our visa, we can't do this forever eventually we'll go home I think ."

"After this game ends I hope we can be friends."

He nodded.

"I found it."
A man yelled.

We shared a look before running back out towards the group.

The book looked bigger than usual.

"It's glued shut."
He sighed.

"Hard cover,It's hollow in the middle, there probably a key in it."
I knocked on the book.

"Can you hold it up like this."
I guided his arms for him to hold It up correctly.

And I calculated how I should kick it, not to high cause I don't want to hurt the guy.
It's just like the wooden boards
Just like a wooden board I repeated in my head.

Everyone sort of stepped away from me.
I kicked it straight in the middle.

It made a huge dent in the middle so we were able to rip the book open.

There was a key.

So the man who found the book went to go open up the door leading to the second stairs.

We made it just in time yet again luckily.

The fourth floor was like a normal office place, loads of desks with computers.It was left like people had just disappeared from it.

-"for this part of that game there will be 4 hidden wooden chess pieces that you will need to find and put in the box.the people left behind that have failed this challenge without a piece will be eliminated."

I looked over at Chisiya, was he really smiling right now?Anyways I thought I should quickly go and start looking.

I skimmed the area and started looking for the chess piece, everyone was.

This was now my third desk cubicle

"Ooh a woman's desk."

I sat down on the spiny chair, there was a mirror and pair of sunglasses.

"Nice lipstick shade."
I tested it out on my arm.

I put on the glasses, I look like Ann now I laughed to myself.

"Ok be serious Ayaka."

I looked in the desk drawers, then through the paper work.
I emptied out the pencil pot on the desk.

A wooden chess piece fell out.

"Oh I'm so happy."I put it away into my shorts pocket and zipped it.
"Thank-you nice lipstick woman."

We were in that room for  25 minutes when without warning a laser came down from the sky.The Macbeth guy got eliminated, I actually liked him.

We put the chess peices in the box and left to go to the next stage.

The door opened with a click and we went up to the 5th floor.

The next round was similar.
This office workplace was much more messy, there were two meeting rooms as-well.
Except there was a riddle clue.

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