we just stayed there for a moment, staring into each others eyes. Will starts to move closer to me and our lips are about to touch when I hear someone clear their throat behind us, making me snap out of my trance.

I snapped my head back quickly looking down and blushing while Will just smirked. god he smirks a lot.

"so I think we are going to be on our way" Lucas says standing up

"aren't you going to buy those cloths?" Jillian asked him

"no, I can just come back another time, lets got" Lucas frantically moving his arms in a motion that means for us to leave

"wait" I say looking around "where did Jas and Michael go?"

"that's weir" Max says with the same confused look on his face " they where here just a minute ago

just at that moment Michael stumbles out of the empty dressing room, lip gloss smeared on his face. and non other then Jasmine herself comes out after him, fixing her hair

"well well well" Jillian has a smirk on her face as she crosses her arm and taps her foot on the ground "what do we have here?" she cocks her head to the side

"uummm.... I can explain" Jasmines face gets read as she tries to grind the right words to say.

"no need to" I say standing from my seat " We where just about to leave so... if you wanna have a last goodbye..."

before I even finished my sentence Jasmine's body was pressed to Michael's and they where having a hot make out session. I had to look away before I literally puked. That's a lot of PDA for people who just started talking to each other.

"well goodbye!" I turn to Will

"Bye gabby" He said in a low, definitely sexy voice then pulling me into a hug

I felt relaxed with his strong arms being held tightly around my waist as I threw my smaller arms around his neck holding him just as tight.

we stayed there for a while longer then I thought, it felt as though all time and slowed down. we actually hugged for so long that even Jasmine and Michael Had stopped their Make Out session and where waiting on us.

When we finally did pull away, I have Alex and Michael and quick hug. giving them both my number as well so we could hang out sometime.

I like Michael, he seems nice but I don't know how to feel about Alex. I'll have to ask Jillian for the sorry later.

once everyone had left and I had hugged Will for about the third time we all left to go out to eat.
"Sooo" Max nudged my shoulder as We ate, we where sitting in a Red Olive in one of the Botha at the very back of the restaurant, we come here all the Time and are close friends with basically all of the people who work here so they don't really mind when we are being loud. "You and Will seemed to be pretty close"

"yeah I guess" I shrug as I peel apart my Chicken tender and dip it in some ketchup

"Oh come on Gabby, It obvious that he likes you and it's no secret that you like him to" Max continues our conversation About Will

" Oh i could never date him" I say sarcastically

"why is that princess?" Max turns to me, taking a pause from eating his dinner

"because" I turn to face him "then you would get jealous because you've always had a secret thing for me all these years"

"oh dream on" He laughs, throwing his head back causing a few people to stare in our direction

"so your saying you don't have a secret crush on me?"

"Not a chance" Max takes a sip of his water

"Damn, I've always wanted to have a secret admirer" I snap my fingers faking a disappointment

"well How about you Lucas" Max Turns to Face Lucas Who is on the other side of the table from us, Sitting next to Jillian who literally made us all sit over here just so she could sit next to him for like half an hour.

"what?" Lucas snapped his head up, coming out of a deep though that he was in

"Do you have a secret crush on me?"

"What!" Lucas almost spits out his water "I mean, no- psh- that's crazy" Lucas shrugs one of his shoulders and looks down, but I swear I saw a red color start to rise on his checks

"Ok let's talk about something else" Jillian buts in "I'm bored with this Topic"

"Ok then Ms.Picky" Jasmine says to her "what would you rather us talk about?"

Jillian stops to think for a while, she obviously didn't think she was going to be the one who decided what we would talk about.

When she did get an idea you could tell because her eyes widened before she leaned in closer to the table as if it where a secret she was about to tell us, so of course we all leaned in to

"let's talk about you and Michael"



Hey guys! ok short Authors note but you should read because it's important!!

So I've decided that I'm going to be posting a chapter every week, and the day I will post a new chapter will be on Fridays! yay! no more random Updates (I hope)

Also I'm Thinking of a ton of new ideas for all these other stories so I'm going to be working on those to, you should read them!

So yeah that's all! I hope you have a super fantastic day!! bye!

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