Kuina oneshot [Fluff!]

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(once again this is based on the new season so go watch it if you haven't! Bunch of spoilers. )

"Kuina!" You scream as you see her get kicked against one of the boxes. As you two were currently in a game.

The man that had fought her grabbed her hand and then ran off. The voice had gone off.

"There has been a change in points. 500 points to the citizen's team. The citizens team is in the lead by 1000 points."

You ran over to Kuina, kneeling down in front of her. "He shoulda told me he could fight." She said then laughed.

You looked at her like she was crazy. She looked back at you then smiled. "I'm fine. Just a few kicks and punches I should be fine." She said reassuring you.

You gave her a small smile. "Here. Sit up against the crate." You said as you helped her.

You sat down next to her. You guys sat in silence for a while.

"Hey, y/n?" She said looking at you. You looked at her, "Yeah?" You responded. "I'm very grateful for you.. You were here when no one was. When I moved out.. You know, I- I love you." She said.

You smiled at her, "I love you too." She grabbed your hand. Then locked them together.

You two sat like that for a while again. Till you broke the silence, "Hey uhm, I think we should get back. To our base you know? Just incase they need us. Are you okay with walking?" You asked.

She nodded, "Yeah." She responded. You guys started getting up, as she had leaned against you as you helped her walk.

You two held hands again, You smiled at her and she smiled back. You guys had begun walking.

She had opened her mouth before begging to say three words that had warmed your heart.

"I love you. "

Hey guys! I hope you liked this it was a little hard to write because it's hard to think of someone else's prospective. Anyways I hope you guys had a good Christmas! And I hope you guys have a good day! :)

Also, If you guys have any requests like an idea or something let me know I could try to do it! :)

Alice in borderland x reader  [oneshots]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang