"Hi." Tory smiled as she walked over to her, looping an arm around her shoulder as they walked, "How was Mexico?"

"Interesting." Was all Aubrey could say as she put an arm around Tory's waist. "It's not every day you get stuck in a car with your old sensei and two rivals who hate each other."

Tory nodded with a small smile as Aubrey recounted what Mexico was like. If she was being honest, she had really struggled all the days that the girl wasn't by her side. Cobra Kai wasn't what it used to be and being around Silver just made her uncomfortable after what had happened at the tournament.

Tory had been really struggling with figuring out what to do about her fake win at the All Valley. She didn't know if she could even tell Aubrey about it or if it was a secret she was going to take to her grave.

"But Robby did compete in a hot pepper eating contest which was kind of fun to watch, until we got milk thrown up on us by the competitor." Aubrey finished up her small story as the girls ended up at the table Tory had.

Tory made a face as she sat on top of the table, "That's gross."

"Not as gross as wearing matching Female Body Inspector shirts with your boyfriend and his dad." Aubrey said making Tory fight to keep from laughing out loud. "Shut up Nichols."

"I'm sorry." Tory apologized before looking over at a very upset member of Cobra Kai.

"Oh good." Aubrey muttered as she looked over at Sawyer Wilson, who was standing in line for concessions with Kyler and glaring at Aubrey. "It's nice to see that she missed me."

Tory laughed softly and looked away from Sawyer and at Aubrey. "She's not the only one."

Aubrey smiled as she looked at Tory. The girls had gone through quite a rough patch for a while but Aubrey was glad that they were able to make it out. She didn't know what she would do if she didn't have Tory Nichols in her life.

"She's not supposed to be on this side!" Kenny Payne stormed over to the two girls, ruining their moment.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and turned and gave the younger boy a look. "I quit Eagle Fang, which means I am just an innocent bystander that you are now yelling at about a stupid side of a water park." she gave him a look of annoyance.

The rivalry truly was getting out of hand. Everything now had sides and both believed that they were the good guys. If the rivalry didn't end soon then the entire valley was soon going to be wrapped up in it.

In fact the process had already begun without anyone knowing it. And it was all thanks to Silver.

"She's with me." Tory gave Kenny a stern look before he could whine anymore and before Aubrey could really insult him. "It's okay, I promise. Just go back with Kyler."

Kenny nodded before glaring back at Aubrey who looked extremely underwhelmed. "You got lucky."

Aubrey's jaw dropped as he walked away. "He says as if the first time I met him, I didn't watch him get his ass beat."

Tory gave Aubrey a weird look before remembering what Robby told her about Aubrey also being there when Kenny first started training.

The two girls stood in silence trying to process the run in that had just happened. They both were starting to have unsure feelings about what was going to happen this summer.

"How are you holding up by the way?" Tory asked after a moment. "You know with everything with Hawk?"

Aubrey paused for a moment as she thought about her answer. She really wasn't holding up well in her own opinion. She was standing in a water park wearing a bathing suit that "pushed her boobs out" all to go hang out with the same group he was going to. Not only that, but she had completely dyed her hair a different color. All signs were pointing to the fact that she was losing it.

Separable//A Cobra Kai StoryWhere stories live. Discover now