Chapter 4

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Iwaizumi's PoV

I couldn't believe it. I was going to have a child with the love of my life, a full family of my own.

What if it's twins?! I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl, either way I just hope they are well and healthy.

The thought of it all was more than meets the eye. There are so many questions in my head and worry.

Ok calm down Hajime. Just go with the flow of everything, it's both of our first time with this. Just take it easy.

Y/N is asleep against my chest rn, while on the couch. I should really bring her to bed.

Carefully lifting her off me I got up and picked her up bridal style, being gentle as to not wake her.

I carried her upstairs to our bedroom and placed her down. Looking down at her with soft eyes there was only one word I could think of.


I went back downstairs to turn the television off and come back up. Stripping down to my boxers I slowly got into the bed, pulling the sheets over Y/n and I.

As if on cue she brought herself closer and nuzzle into me.

I smiled softly and fell asleep with her in my arms.

No PoV

Soon the morning approached, it was only 7:27 in the morning when Y/n woke up. Feeling a wave of nausea come over her she got out of Hajimes arms as gently and quickly as she could.

Making a straight shot to the bathroom, making it just quick enough to empty her stomach into the porcelain bowl.

Hajime was woken up despite her trying not to wake him, he came to her and held her hair back. Rubbing her back and telling her it's alright.

He knew she always hated throwing up, and he knew he was right because when she came up she had tears in her eyes.

Y/n sighed heavily.

"Im sorry I woke you up Haji..." she spoke softly.

He looked at her softly and held her hand.

"Baby it's alright.. you can't control it, I'm just happy to be able to help, your carrying our future in you dont be sorry love."

Y/n smiled at his words. She had the best husband ever.

When her nausea went away she pat Hajime's arm saying she was ready to get up.

"Im gonna take some medicine then we can go back to sleep Haji."

He nodded and helped her get a glass of water to help her take the medicine.

After she was done they both snuggles into each other and slept for a bit more.

Iwaizumi woke up before you did at 10:13.

He carefully got out of your arms, putting some shorts on and going downstairs, not bothering to get a shirt.

Iwa decided to make you breakfast in bed. Grabbing the eggs and bacon from the fridge and cooking them he grabbed a plate for you and himself.

After everything was cooked he placed it nicely onto the plates and sprinkled on some parley for a nice touch.

Walking upstairs with your plate on a tray he knocked on the door frame, speaking softly.

"Good morning my flower"

"I brought you breakfast in bed!"

Hajime looks at you with a smile as you groggily sit up and open your eyes.

"Awh love, you didn't have to do that."
You spoke shyly.

Sitting up straight, Hajime walked over to you and placed the tray on your lap carefully. It was a nice dish you could say so yourself.

"This looks good Haji, look who's a good cook" you giggled.

Rubbing his neck he looked away embarrassed.

"I can for some things you've seen me cook before."

At that you just laugh and began to eat.

"What about you?" You spoke up after a bite.

"Don't worry I'll be right back with mine hun."

With that he went down to the kitchen, coming back up a few moments later with another tray.

He sat up beside you and placed the tray on his own lap, beginning to eat as you turned on Hulu, watching a random anime.

You both soon finished your food.

Pausing the anime, Y/n and Iwaizumi went down to take care of their few dishes.

Y/n finally spoke up.
"Also darling I uh, have a picture of the ultrasound from the doctors appointment.. I was wondering if you would want to see it?" You questioned.

Iwaizumi spun to face you,  his eyes nearly leaping out of their sockets.

"Would I?! Of course!"

She laughed at his excitement, seeing the gleam in his eyes.

She led him upstairs as she went into one of her clothes drawers and pulled out the picture.

Y/n showed Iwaizumi and pointed out the tiny blob, barely the size of a baby pea.

He nearly started crying on the spot.

"I can't believe that's our little flower we made, their a REALLY little flower right now."

Hajime laughs out and you let out an amused sigh.

This really would be amazing, our family.

I Will try so hard to get more chapters out. Please bear with me 🧡
Have a good day/night and a happy new year!

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