Special Ride Home - [̲̅3]

Start from the beginning

I see him roll his eyes while slightly smile which was my cue to grab a drink from one of the tables. I took one with a clear coating almost looking like water but definitely didn't smell like water. It smelled strong and spicy? I walk over to Tsireya and Anoung and speak up "What drink is this supposed to be?" "I heard the adults say it was 'vodka'." Tsireya responds

I take a sip of the 'vodka' and get a spicy, strong taste in my mouth. I slightly gag and see Anoung and Tsireya chuckle at my sudden move. Although it was really strong I felt driven to drink more. I then chugged down the rest of my drink and went back to the tables for some more.

Next thing I knew I was laughing and giggling with anoung. I can't exactly remember what we were talking about. I just remember feeling warm and fuzzy inside and at the point I couldn't tell if it was the crazy amount of alcohol I drank or something else. I could still feel my cheeks having blood rushing to them every time I took a drink of whatever I took.

I also remember dancing. I remember seeing the colorful sea lights in the cave as it shined on everyone else in the room lighting up the feeling. I remember dancing with someone..

I remember their pericing blue eyes and tall and fit figure. I yet still remember a slight argument with someone, I think Anoung. I remember him saying about how I was going to go home safe since The only people I knew there was him and his sister Tireya but she was puking in the water.

Next thing I knew I was being carried by warm, strong arms. I remember feeling safe and so comfortable that I fell asleep in them. I couldn't exactly remember who but that's all I could remember from that night.

I woke up with an erritating headache and an acheing body when I sat up. I grab my head frustrated with the pain I felt and looked at my surroundings. I noticed I was back in my Marui with my parents and siblings. Yet it was exactly morning yet.

I looked out to the water and seen the sun about to make its way up the horizon. I looked around to check if my family were still asleep, once i double checked I headed out to the shore and ice cold water. My head was still throbbing as I was trying to think of what happened that night.

I graze my fingers across the cold water and get a wave of refreshment in my body. I formed a small cup in my hand and scooped some water and brought it to my face to wake up.

I took some breaths while laying back on the sand thinking of that night. I tried piecing everything that I remembered so I could understand what happened but that just made the migraine worse and annoyed me more.

I sigh and sit up while looking at the beautiful stars, I smile to myself. I'm glad that I'm getting comfortable here.

I then heard a tree branch crack which quickly grabbed my attention. I turned my head fast to the sound it came from. Only to see a tall boy that went by the name Anoung with his hands up in defeat.

"..Anoung..?" I whisper confused. "Didn't mean to startle ya Star." Anoung said while dropping his hands down to the side of his hips and walking towards me in the sand. He takes a seat next to me. I still gaze at the stars but realize, "Wait..did you just call me Star? Way to get creative with the new nickname." I ask while slightly confused but flattered. "Don't you remember? At the party you had so much to drink and danced and just partied so much more than I've ever seen a Na'vi has. You would chugging some type of drink and people started shouting 'STAR!' because Tsireya and I called you the 'star of the party'."

I look him in the eyes to see a playful and joking look but all I see is a smirk and a serious set of tone in his eyes. My eyes widen as I realize he really was being serious. I can feel blood rushing to my cheeks remembering how embarrassing that must've been.

I see Anoung laugh at my embarrassed state, he then spoke "Yep, you would definitely a true party god. I'm guessing you don't remember much?" I saw him look at the stars and look back to me waiting for me to answer.

"N-no..i don't. Please don't tell me I didn't do anything too crazy to where I would get in more trouble that drinking?"

I watch him scoff and respond, "You wish. Let's see, I remember after your like 15th drink you pulled me onto the dance floor, I had sobered up a slight bit but you never did. You kept pulling me in and dancing with me that you didn't even seem like yourself. I then pulled you back to the stands and looked for my sister but I could only see her kneeling near the water with her hair tied up in another girls hand while she puked. I asked you if you could go home in your state but you couldn't even talk at this point. Since Tsireya was throwing up and no one else there knew where your Marui was.. I had to take you home.." I watch as Anoung pause for a second while looking down in the sand.

My eyes widen in even more embarrassment. I took both my hands and put them across my face so he couldn't see my flustered face.

He then continued, "I picked you up in my arms and walked back to your Marui as quietly and quickly as I could to not be seen by anyone or wake you or your family since you also fell asleep as soon as you laid in both my arms. Thankfully no one saw me and none of your family members woke to see you in your state. You lucky Y/n.." I watch him turn his head to me and smile.

"I-I..I don't know what to say Anoung..sigh..I can be really dumb sometimes. I'm sorry that you had to take me home. I should've known not to drink so much. Thanks though." I say looking down and then finally looking at him again meeting his eyes.

I notice that the stars slightly were fading away as the sun starting rising to where it was in our sights. I saw out of the corner of my eye Anoung look at the sun shortly after I did.

I touch the cold water with my finger tips and toes one last time before I head back to my marui so my parents don't notice i'm gone.

I stand up and say to Anoung, "See you later Anoung, and..thanks...you know. This is the second time you've saved my ass."

I see him stand up and become taller than me in less of a second. "No problem. I looking forward to saving you again in the future princess." I look anoung in the eyes while he was talking.

I caught myself get lost into his eyes for a second after he spoke and I noticed him get lost in mine. I quickly shake off the quick tension between us with a quick few words, "And i thought you were gonna stop calling me princess now."

Before i could hear him respond i walk past him smirking. I stop in my tracks and turn my head slightly and say to him "Goodbye Anoung."

1986 WORDS!!! YAY. I DID THE 3RD CHAPTA. god this took forever. I couldn't update last night because my friend was over and we were playing The Quarry😘🫶🏻

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