Chapter 3

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It had been a week since I got Sophie in my custody. Dad laid a blanket onto the couch once it started getting late. He had been, rightfully, worried about me but I had been getting better since the whole drunk night. Just a slip up.

"You should go home." He looked at me, confused.

"You sure?" I nodded.

"I really appreciate your help but I need to start getting used to caring for her by myself. I promise if it gets to be too much, I'll call you and you can come over right away." After a pause, he agreed.

"Okay." Then he gave me a hug.

"Love you bud."

"Love you." I said, hugging him back. He left, probably still worried. Sophie had already gotten to bed so I headed to my room and did the same. I needed sleep since I knew she'd be up again soon enough.

The next morning, I woke up to Sophie crying. So of course I did what I needed. First, change the diaper. That's when I realized there was only one left. After that, I fed her.

"Ok. How about we head to the store?" I asked, looking at her in my arms. She just stared up at me. "Sounds like a yes to me. Let's go." The car seat was already in my car since dad installed it. I put her in it and we headed out.

I came across a red light so stopped the car. Must have done something wrong because Sophie started screaming bloody murder.

"What the f—" The light turned green and I continued. "Hey, Sophie... it's okay. Stop crying, please." Didn't do anything. I saw a pacifier in the passenger seat so grabbed it, trying to reach back and put it in her mouth. It was a struggle because she was too young to have the car seat facing forwards. "Please stop crying!" I groaned since she wasn't taking the pacifier. It just made her cry louder. Then out of the corner of my eyes, flashing blue lights. "Shit!" And whooping sounds, signaling me to pull over. So I did. Keeping my head down and hands on the wheel, I was trying to keep the tears in. Once I heard the footsteps, I rolled the window down.

"Kurt?" I looked up and Blaine stood outside the car. "You have a kid?" He asked, hearing her screaming and seeing her in the back. "You never told me that."

"Well, you never told me you were a cop soo..."

"Fair enough." He looked back at me from Sophie. "You realize you were speeding and swerving."

"I—" I started before having to stop talking to stop from crying. "I'm so sorry." I said, the tears falling. "I- I- I am new at this and it only happened because my 2 best friends died because I told them to go take a break! Now she won't stop crying and I was trying to give her a pacifier but that didn't help and I JUST NEED TO GRAB DIAPERS!!!!" He sighed.

"It's okay. Can I?" He asked, pointing to her. I nodded, wiping my face. He walked to the other side of the car and opened the back door, unbuckling her and picking her up. "Hey... it's okay!" He said in a baby voice. I looked back and he was rocking her. Somehow, she stopped crying. After a moment, he put her back and when I looked in the little mirror, she was passed out. I saw him writing something down on his way back to my window.

"Damn it!" I groaned. He handed me the sheet and I expected a ticket but it was a phone number. His phone number?

"Really? After all of this?" I asked, my eyes red. He laughed.

"I wanted to ask for your number at the bar but felt you were a little too drunk. So, here's mine. If you decide you wanna contact me, then there you go." I laughed and wiped my face again.

"Maybe I will." He nodded. "Also, how'd you know how to do that?"

"I babysat as a teenager and my brother has multiple kids I've watched so I've caught on to a few things."

"Any driving tips? Apparently I'm doing something wrong."

"Never stop or speed up too fast and suddenly. They will wake up and that'll happen again. So stay extra cautious and start slowing down way ahead. Also if possible, run the yellow light." I laughed.

"Not the cop telling me to run yellow lights." He laughed.

"I mean, unless you want her to start screaming again."

"Ok so run yellow lights, break as far away as possible, don't suddenly stop or speed up... anything else?"

"Once she gets upset, don't get mad and start getting stressed cause she'll understand your tone and get even more upset."

"Oh..." he laughed.

"Guessing that was your problem?"

"Well, it was the red light that caused the screaming and I'm assuming me getting mad and about to cry didn't help either."

"It's okay." I sighed and smiled at him.

"Thank you!"

"No problem. Now, be careful."

"I will." He nodded and headed back to his car. I very slowly started driving and luckily, she didn't wake. I started using his tips and she stayed asleep the whole time. We shopped for everything we needed. Diapers, formula, more pacifiers (cause I've lost too many this week), and groceries I needed.

We got home with no more incidents. I just held her on the couch, staring at the ticket sheet with Blaine's number on it. Debating whether or not I should contact him...

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