"We've been friends for so long, haven't we Gee." He smiled, turning to me and taking off his shirt, I wasn't expecting that that was for sure, it was warm yes, but I certainly wasn't that warm.

"Y-yes." I mumbled nodding and looking down at his batman bed cover between my crossed legs, I was suddenly feeling rather awkward. When he said he had an idea, I was expecting X-Box, stupid games, pissing off the neighbours or him trying to make us watch porn again and see if we could watch a woman for longer without feeling ill. What I wasn't expecting was for him to take off his shirt and start a conversation about our friendship, it was weird.

"You ever thought maybe we're better than friends?" He asked taking my hand from my lap and holding it, making my eyes slowly lift to his face rather than his bed and stare at him awkwardly, just shrugging. "I think we are." I smiled really uncomfortably, nodding slowly, I didn't agree with a word he was saying but I didn't have the words to speak, actually I just wanted to leave because I was really uncomfortable. "Friends do things for each other right?" He asked letting go of my hand and sitting next to me normally, making me a lot more comfortable.

"R-right." I nodded, smiling weakly at him as I let my eyes immediately fall back down to the bed covers, trying hard to not look at Matt or what he was doing.

"So you'd do things for me?" He asked to which I nodded hard, of course I was his best friend. Without another word he crashed his lips into mine, kissing me roughly and pushing me down against the bed, I had absolutely no reaction, I just froze staring right at him in absolute shock, my hands not moving, my mouth still and me certainly not kissing him back. If him holding my hand made me feel a little awkward and kind of want to go home, then this made me incredibly uncomfortable and want to go home and tell him I didn't want us to have a sleepover again. One thing was for sure, I now longer wanted to be in a house with him alone, because I didn't want to kiss him, but I was weak and awkward and I didn't want to tell him no, not when he wanted to kiss me.

"I want to have sex." He said quietly staring into my eyes hopefully and with a loving look, is lip tucked in a little as he bit it and his face questioning and a little scared. Honestly I had no idea what he was scared of, he was intimidating as hell and he knew it, he had nothing to be scared of, I on the other hand, was petrified and I'm sure nobody would blame me really. I could speak and I couldn't move when he kissed me, I was motionless and I was speechless, now I was just plain scared, I could even open my mouth, I certainly couldn't shake my head or push him off me, all I had to do was say no. "Gee?"

~ I'm going to insert the trigger warning here, it's sexual and uh well I'm sorry for spoilers but I don't know how to warn without ruining so I guess it's triggering to anyone who has experienced or is effected by sexual abuse, I will notify when the scene is over. :] ~

"I-I n- well, i-it's-" I mumbled stuttering on every word, my eyes just glued to his, the passion and affection, the hope and the fear, it was like it really meant everything to him for me to say yes. "N-not a g-good idea, i-it's just b-because..."

"Come on Gee, have some fun, it's just so we're not virgins." He winked, "Let's just get it over with." He smirked, ignoring and disregarding everything I had said and pressing his lips roughly into mine again, his tongue trying to make its way into my mouth and his hands up my shirt. I wasn't physically let alone mentally strong enough to push him off me or stop him, so both of our pants were off and his tongue was in my mouth in only a minute or two.

Only when he stopped kissing me to take my shirt off could I speak, but I'm sure he didn't listen to me, or care what I said. "I-I don't think I want to, p-please Matt." I whispered staring into his eyes pleadingly, doing everything I could to fight the tears as he just smile a caressed my cheek.

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