Chapter 2- a new school year

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Makoto, Haru and ( name ) wandered closer to iwatobi middle school, joining the line of other parents and school kids who where heading to the entrance ceremony like themselves. All three of you then looked up ahead to see your parents  making their way to the school just like you all where. You all found seats in the gym and sat their patiently until the principle had finished his tiresome speech and then let you go to the board to see what class you all where in. You turn around facing your dad who was directly looking at you from a distance and waved at her showing that you had it all under control, she gave you a heart warming smile and looked away, making you run after your two friends who where waiting for a bit further away from you.

The three of you found a crowd of kids and figured the board with the classes where there. Makoto was looking directly at it while you and Haru kept lifting your selves up on you tippy toes thinking that would make you tall enough to see but you where both wrong. You looked at Haru and gave him a grin, he looked at you nervously because he knew you had thought of something stupid. Before he knew it you had jumped on his back almost making him fall over from the sudden change in weight and before you knew it everyone was staring at the both of you making Haru embarrassed.

"Haha, can't you see the bored you two?" Makoto laughed averting his eyes to you both and then back at the board
"Oh, there I am, I'm in class  2" Makoto says again making you look at the list of class 2 for your name and Harus.
"Dam it, me and Haru aren't in your class!" You say biting you lip from annoyance
"That's a shame, what class are you in?" Makoto says looking down at the ground because of the disappointment, and Haru was still looking away from everyone, struggling from keeping you on his back.
"I'm not sure, I'm blind so I can't see that well"
"I'll look for you" Makoto lifts his head back up, roughly darting his eyes back and forth at the list until stopping at your name
"Your in class 1" He says while looking for harus name next. You limp down on harus shoulders which made him put you down so he wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
"Oh haru, your in ( name )s class" Makoto says sadly, now knowing he is the only one alone. Haru then looks up towards you both and then turned to the other side.
"Our rooms are right next door, we'll be together for joint lessons" Haru says
"That's true, but still" before makoto could finish his sentence a person comes up from behind him and warps their arm around his shoulder.

"Hey tachibana," a boy says with a wide smile, a very different emotion from the three who where obviously very disappointed with the news.
"Oh, what's up Mochizuki?" Makoto says wondering on why he appeared out of know where.
"Just being in class 2 too" he answers cheerfully. He then looks over at you and Haru not caring that you two where both there.
"Ah, you are really?" Makoto says showing some excitement on his face, seeing that he won't be alone made him feel much more better.
"Yeah, we haven't been in the same class since what 3rd grade right" the boy says still clinging onto Makoto.
"( name ) let's go" Haru says turning around and starts to walk away not saying goodbye to the two boys who looked at him, one with a smile and one with a confused look on their face.
"Wait where are you going Haru?" Makoto says, You just stood there confused on why Haru just left randomly. You turn around to then face Makoto who is now staring at you.
"Well I'll see you later Makoto, I hope you get along with your class" you give him a quick smile and then ran up besides Haru; who was walking more slower then usual to make sure you caught up to him. Once you did he grabs one of the straps that allows you to tighten the straps on your bag so you wouldn't go off course.

You look up to see your class room sign above the door that was already open, showing very noisy kids inside who where already making friends. Haru let's go of the strap on your bag that he was clutching to and walks to the furthest desk that was in the corner of the room next to all the windows that where facing outside and looked down to see his name on the desk. You sigh as you follow behind him and then take the seat that was in front of Haru because your name was on that desk. You usually liked to sit at the front row of classroom's but your glad you where just in front of Haru so you weren't by your self with no one you knew.

"I hope Makoto likes his class" you say while turning your chair around to face Haru who was looking down towards the wooden desk.
"He will be fine" Haru says giving a very straight forward answer witch made you laugh.
"I'm glad we are not separated because I don't know how I would cope being alone" you say while placing your elbows on Harus desk and then placing your head in your hands. Haru finally looks up at you from what you said.
"Yeah, I'm glad" Haru says quietly then averting his eyes outside, but you still heard what he mumbled witch mad you happy that he felt the same way, because you really didn't know what you would of done if you weren't with him. You and Haru then look over to the left in sync to see a boy talking to someone about joining the swimming club. While you where occupied with looking at the boy who was being very loud; Haru looks behind you looking at a boy had had dark teal hair looking annoyed at the loud boy you where looking at. The teal haired boy turns his gaze towards Haru witch makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Are you Haruka Nanase and ( first name ) ( last name )?" A boy with pink hair asked right out of the blue witch made Haru avert his eyes towards him. You also turn towards him and see him right up in you face which made you pretty much jump out of you seat. Haru also scoots backwards a bit from him.
"I'm kisumi shigino, Sano elementary kid. And ive actually heard a lot about you both, Rin matsuoka filled me in" the pink haired boy says with excitement in his voice.
"Rin told you" Haru asks surprised of what he had heard, you where dumbfounded on how much information that just got dumped on you.
"Yup" Kisumi says still rather close to you both
"There was a really fast guy in iwatobi swimming club" kisumi adds on and agin still really close which made you back you chair a bit  away from Harus desk

"Swimming club!?" You look over towards the boy who was being rather loud before who just blurted swimming club, and that made you know what was going to happen next from what you heard with his other conversations he had with other people.
"Did I hear something about a SC over here?" He ask coming closer to you three
"An SC?" Kisumi asks looking towards the boy with a very confused expression.
"It means swimming club obviously, my names asahi shiina and you two are?" He ask you and Haru while inspecting your name tags you had on.
"Nanase and ( last name ), oh yeah you both are definitely joining the swimming club... right?" Asahi ask
"I haven't decided yet" Haru says bluntly making you speak up.
"Haru manners, and I'm not sure either" you say.
"You both haven't decided yet, in that case join the basketball club with me. And ( last name ) can be the helper or manager" Kisumi says butting in, making asahi angry.
"Hey you can't just steal them like that they are already going to join the swim club!"
"Hm I figure if you both already swim in an outside club why join another one, try basketball"
"Shut up" asahi says being fed up with what Kisumi has to say.

Haru stopped listening to them a while ago and was just looking at the dark teal haired boy again who was looking at him. While you on the other hand was just wishing they would both leave already so everyone would stop staring at you all.

Thank you for reading chapter two. I'm actually already working on chapter three so stay tuned😁Christmas just need so I hop you got what you wanted I know I did. And again I got inspiration from VidaReale on their 'free' fanfiction so do tell me if you think somethings are to similar and I will try and change it. Have a great day/night.

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