Funny bathing attempt

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Lully would hiss in exempt as she carried her grandson in her mouth, dragging him towards the bathtub as the latter howled in anguish as the pink sauce covered his body.

Clock would meow loudly as he felt the pink sauce ooze across his body, hating the fact that he was now being dragged across to his certain doom, The bathtub which was already being filled with hot water and soap seeming to loom over Clock.

Lully would simply continue dragging her grandson towards the bathtub before finally grabbing the fussing child and dumping them into the water, watching as the pink sauce dripped from Clock, smiling as the horrendous smell of whatever the fuck pink sauce is vanished from the room

Clock However was not enjoying this at all, Hissing and biting at Lully as they tried to bathe and clean his fur and evading them as best he could with his limited mobility.

Lully would hiss as Clock kept doing his shit, tempted to throw the soap bar she was holding as h bit her on the paw for the third time, Lully would however persist in cleaning clock, Eventually getting him out of the tub and placing him down for a drying.

Clock would simply let Lully dry him, not seeing the use in fighting as he got dried, Eventually the drying would be finished and Clock would be able to go out back to his siblings, As he walked out into the living room all his brothers and sisters would stare at him before simultaneously all calling him a stinky bitch

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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