"What do you feel?" Harry stops walking to ask. When he looks over at Louis, the boy looks pale, and his eyes look unfocused.

"Dizzy and nauseous," he reports, now taking deep breaths and swallowing roughly. "Might throw up."

"The locker room's this way." Niall quickly points to a hallway just left of the exit. Louis nods with a small moan.

"Hold on, baby," Harry says. He and Niall get Louis to the locker room in a matter of seconds. Once they make it to a big stall, Niall leaves to wait outside the locker room. Louis kneels in front of the toilet, setting his forearms on the cool seat. He heaves a few times before throwing up the remnants of his breakfast and most of the water he drank throughout the game, all while Harry rubs his back. After a minute or so, he wipes his mouth with toilet paper, then sits on the floor and leans against the wall to recover. "Do you feel any better?" Harry softly asks; Louis slowly nods.

"We need to find a hospital. I need to know everything's okay." Louis' lower lip quivers, and he sniffles before reaching for Harry. Harry helps him to the sink, where he washes his hands and rinses his mouth out a few times. Niall rejoins them in the lobby and helps Louis into the car.

"Do you need me to go with you?" Niall asks. Lou, Liam, and a few friends have gathered in the lobby, all looking worriedly at Harry, Louis, and Niall through the glass. Instead of assuring his friends that he and his baby are okay, Louis simply avoids their eyes and looks at the dashboard. He doesn't know if he or his baby are okay, and that is the scariest part about all of this.

"I, uh..." Harry stutters. He is overwhelmed, as this is all happening so fast. The only thing on his mind right now is getting Louis to a hospital

"We just need to go," Louis finally says.

"Alright," Niall nods in understanding. With his hands still trembling, Harry quickly searches for the nearest hospital.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna get you to the hospital." Harry looks at Louis, then back at the road, then at Louis' bump, which is protected by his arms.

"I trust you," Louis says, knowing that Harry will provide for him. Harry tries to calm down as he zips along the painted lines on the road, trying to get his injured husband to help as soon as he can.


Warm gel is squirted onto Louis' tummy and spread around with an ultrasound transducer. He squeezes Harry's hand when their baby appears on the screen; a heartbeat sounds moments later. The spouses collectively breathe a sigh of relief. Neither of them dared to entertain thoughts of anything bad happening to their baby after Louis' accident on the field. All they could do was hope that nothing had harmed their baby, which fortunately turned out to be true.

"Does everything look okay?" Louis asks the sonographer.

"You may experience a bit of bruising on your side, but everything else looks good. Nothing is out of place, baby is looking good and heartbeat is strong," she reports. Harry takes a deep breath, then plants a kiss on Louis' feathery hair.

Louis gets the now cooled goo wiped off of his baby bump before being whisked off by wheelchair to an examination room for his ankle.

"I'm so glad bubba's okay. That was so scary," Louis quietly says while they wait for a doctor. Out of habit, his arms are still holding his bump as if to protect it from everything, even from himself and his recklessness.

"It was scary. When I saw you laying there, my mind went all fuzzy," Harry admits. He sits next to Louis on the hospital bed, their feet dangling over the edge. All he wants is to protect his husband and his baby from further pain, since he failed that aspect of his vows earlier. "I didn't know what happened. My first thought was that you fell and landed on...on your stomach." His voice is wavering, yet mainly flat and deep. It sounds as if he never wants to relive the events, much less even think about them.

"I'm sorry," Louis whimpers as he wraps his arms tightly around Harry, burying his head in the crook of his neck. "I should've been more careful." Harry hugs him back with equal fervor, whispering soothing reassurances until Louis calms down. Even when they pull away, Harry keeps an arm wrapped around Louis' waist. They lace their fingers together with Harry's free hand, and Louis rests his head on his husband's shoulder.

The doctor comes in soon after and quickly diagnoses the ankle injury as a sprain, and a pretty nasty one at that. Louis gets fitted with a soft brace and is sent home with crutches and instructions to ice it, elevate it, and stay off of it for a few days.

Before leaving the hospital parking lot, Louis and Harry sit in the car and update the people who witnessed the accident, then inform them that they are planning on going home for the day.

"Do you want food?" Harry asks at a red light. All of their recent conversations have been ones about injury or potential injury, so this catches Louis slightly off guard.

"Like, from a restaurant or from home?" Louis slowly asks. Now that he is starting to relax, the comedown from the adrenaline rush is leaving him feeling tired. He puts his head against the headrest and mindlessly looks at the license plate on the car in front of him.

"Anywhere," Harry says, letting out a calming exhale as he stretches his arm across the console, resting his hand on the middle of Louis' thigh. Louis feels butterflies, though it could have been the baby kicking.

"Can we get Subway? I could go for an entire loaf of bread right now," he decides with a small smile. Harry scrunches his nose and giggles, and both boys feel a little lighter.

"Sure," Harry smiles.

After nearly twenty minutes, they stop at the Subway close to their house. "Do you want your usual? I don't want you to be walking around, I can go in by myself," Harry offers, though it sounds more like a gentle decree.

"Yeah, that's fine," Louis says. He knows that when Harry becomes protective, Louis doesn't have much of a say in it. However, he likes when Harry takes care of him and desperately tries to protect him from everything, just as he did when Louis first became pregnant. As he watches Harry walk into the Subway, he chuckles to himself; he hopes he doesn't end up wrapped in bubble wrap at home.


*Copying and pasting this from my last announcement*

I know I said that I'm stopping writing on January 1, but in that same message I also said that there may be a time where I come back for a bit.

As of right now, I think I made that announcement a bit hastily (and forced myself to "quit" because I'm "in college and shouldn't be writing fanfic when I'm almost 20", but who cares!)

I've veered course a little since then, and I decided that I don't have to put a stop to something that I and other people enjoy just because I think it's something I shouldn't be doing at this point in my life. But hey, if there are people in their mid-twenties who have fan accounts on social media, then I can keep writing.

That being said, this is my last one shot for a while. I'm taking a lengthy break (staying true to that first announcement), but I'll probably be back before One Direction 🙂

Promise 😊

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ see you in a bit


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