Giving them a Christmas gift 🎁

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Ladies and gents, them- ✨

Got this from Oogly Boogly Bitch on Twitter! ( Wow, what a wonderful name )

How would they react to you giving them a Christmas gift? 🤔



Sunny would just stand there with the gift in his hand and stare at it. His face is blank as always but there's this cute blush that slowly appears. He's really happy to get a gift from you! It may not look it but trust me, this little gift has made his day.


Basil is so touched. When you hand him the gift he's like 'You got me a present? 🥺' and it's so adorable. No matter what's inside he'll treasure it! I mean, it's the least he can do to show his proper thanks!


Aubrey's just like 'thanks 😐' and moves on. She gives you this neutral expression that may or may not hurt a few of you guys' feelings. She won't open it immediately either. Instead, she waits until she's alone. She didn't want you to see her get all flustered and tease her about it so she decided to hold off on opening your gift. Don't worry, whatever you got her she'll keep. She might tell you otherwise but it'll either be somewhere on her person or somewhere in her room. 


I def see Hero hugging you if you ever gave him anything no matter what it is. If it's from you he's sure he'll absolutely love it and no-one can tell him otherwise!


Kel is happy and it shows. His grin is stretching from ear to ear, he's shaking the box eagerly to try to guess what's inside, and he's blushing. He looks like a little kid and it's warms your heart to watch him open up your present with such a cheerful expression on his face.


Mari will give you a small smile, thank you for the gift, and open it. It may look like she's not fazed and thinks of it as just another gift but on the inside, she doing backflips down a flight of stairs. She's over the moon to know you got her something! I wonder what it is..


Polly is so excited! She's jumping up and down, clapping her hands and smiling wide. She can't wait to see what you got her! Ooo~! I bet it'll be wonderful, whatever it is!


Kim would avoid any and all eye contact when you give her the gift. She's so flustered over such a simple gesture! How lame of her.. You better not tease her for this or she'll seriously leave. ( With the gift of course ) >:(


Mikhael is surprised and for a few minutes, it shows. Besides his family and some of his friends no one ever gives him gifts. He's really happy and gets all shy for a while because he doesn't know how to react or what to do. Later on he'll be back to his usual overly-confident self but for now, you can just bask in his shyness while it lasts.

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