chapter 9

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(ok guys this chap is a bit... Spicy? With french kissing n stuff.... So yeah. Just tellin ya) [and Happy Birthday Morax or Zhongli!]

At the Hanshi:

You see, him and Lan Xichen have a perfectly normal relationship. They just cuddle, make out and other shit. Pretty normal......

Oh hell no. It isn't normal! it makes him all blushy like a maiden or something. He's down so hard when Lan Xichen just calls him by his name. He even embarassed himself before Wei WuXian and his son! Fuck his emotions!

And then Lan Xichen gripped his hand and led him inside the Hanshi as he closed the door with his other hand. He pulled his  hand up and gently pressed his lips against his knuckles. "Looks like someone is embarassed that even your nephew noticed" Lan Xixhen said with a teasing smile on his lips. This mind reader!

He stuttered as his face turned red. "N-nonsense! We can't do this in broad day light Lan Xichen! We have work to do!" Who knows how he'll handle it.

Lan XIcehn then smiled flirtatiously , "What do you mean nonsense?" Lan Xichen said as he raised one of his eyebrows. "I'm very joyed that Wanyin gets flustered and enjoys when I simply stare at you or call you by your name"

"W-who said I enjoy that!" He pulled his hand from Lan Xichen's grip as he sat down near the table and took his paperwork out.

Lan xichen chuckled, clearly amused by the sight as he sat next to him. Oh for god sake stop chuckling! He tried to ignore Lan Xichen but then he felt an arm around his waist.

Lan Xichen then snuggled closer to him as he leaned down and whispered in his ear. "And Wanyin, you said we should not do it in broad daylight. Are you suggesting that we should do it at night?"

"W-We've got work to d- hmph!" He then felt something warm pressed against his lips, which is clearly Lan Xichen's. He slowly closed his eyes as Lan Xichen abruptly lifted him up and pulled him down his lap. Oh gods, this feels too good. Now he's going to get distracted with this all day. He feels like his whole body is on fire. Lan Xichen's lips were soft and warm as his lips parted slightly, his tongue forcing his mouth to open as he slliped his tongue into his.
Their bodies were pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as their lips were pressed together. "Wanyin... You look so beautiful" he panted into his mouth,"Mine"

"Shut it and kiss m-" and then he was silenced again.

Lan Xichen started to grow impaitent as he starts pulling Jiang Wanyin's robes when someone slams open the door abruptly.

Jingyi and Jin Ling were panicking, clearly don't know how to convey the message that they lost Wei WuXian to Hanguang-Jun. They were clearly supposed to take care of Wei Qianbei but now they lost him. They checked literally everywhere in the Cloud Recesses and they still couldn't find him!

They now didn't know what to do. Hanguang-jun will definitely won't trust them next time and great heavens, Jin ling's uncle is coming today. Yea, he's dead for sure. But now they're dreading in panic because what if something happened to Wei Qianbei?!?! The cultivation world still despises him!

Too scared to face the wrath of Hanguang-jun, they thought of informing their very gentle sect leader who won't be gentle when he recieves the news.

"God dammit! What if something happens to Wei WuXian! Why does he run all around the place!!!" Said a very frustrated Jin Ling.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?!" Said an even more frustrated Jingyi who listened to Jin Ling ranting about how amazing Sizhui is for minutes.

" Wei Qianbei could be in danger! We have to inform the Sect leader. We've no other choice" said Jingyi.

"This is the only thing i agree with you" said Jin Ling.

They rushed to the Hanshi, panicking About the whole situation and worrying about Wei WuXian. They abruptly pushed the door open to see Sect leader Jiang straddling Zewu-Jun against a wall and Zewu-Jun disrobing the Sandu Shengshou and they were sucking each other's faces!

BAM thanks for reading! I'll be updating this fic next year. And dayum 10k views, now that's something else. And it's my first time writing a kiss scene so yea, bear it! And just like i said in last chapter, i updated this month! It's just that my health has gotten worse with my eosinophil count being 650 or something, and with sinus, nausea blah blah, so my head hurts a lot when I use devices too much. The doc also said to take a brain scan etc etc. So yea, I'm takin medications. Don't worry though, I'll update this fic.

Thank you for reading this fic of mine for half a year or something. I don't wanna admit but I've severe depression etc etc, writing was something that motivated me and made me do something. You see, as I'm depressed i lose interest in everything, even the things i love. You become too tired mentally to do anything. So yea, You guys gave me a purpose to do something. thanks for ur excitement. Your motivating comments are the only things that made this fic getting updated. If you are having a hard time and if this fic bought a smile on your face, then you wouldn't believe how overjoyed I am. I'd love all your comments so yea, pls comment if u got the time!

So it's not new year heree, still 3
2hrs, 30 mins to go or something, but for the people who new year has already started, happy new year!

I'm not sure if this will be helpful but let me tell you. If you had a really hard time this year, i wouldn't say that everything will be better next year as i cannot predict the future. But what I want to say is, I'm very proud of you and how far you've come through your hardships. Ik a lot of people have never been told "I'm proud of you. I know it was really hard this year, i know it felt like shit, everyone betraying you or any other circumstance. It must've been really hard to endure all that, so I'm really proud of you!" and i know that feeling sooo, yeaaa.... lol, why am I pouring out my feelings like this.... Just so you know, I'm not a very expressible person in real life, so as you guys dunno me, meh just ya know, pouring out my feelings.

I had a very hard time this year too, my friend got cancer, and other stuff, my health getting worse and ya know family stuff n shit. So yea not everyone is having an easy life. So you shouldn't think ur unlucky or something ok?

And what's your new year resolution?

Comments and votes are appreciated!

Ik I said a lot today, but yea, just wanted to tell you all how helpful you guys were to me. I dunno how to help you in ur hard time so yea, that's teh only way I can help some of you.

Advanced Happy New Year!

Love y'all! bye!

Plus where the hell should i read husky and his white cat shizun! The translation was removedddd. I don't need it, it's for my friend who wants to read it cus I've already read it and recomended her. So any good sites with good translation?

And how many of yall play genshin?

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