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It's been days since my big blow up with Y/N and neither of us have been the same since. Josh has actually been sitting with me and the rest of the gang
at lunch every once in a while but Y/N has been sitting alone.

Josh, Nico, Mike, Sam and Mina
usually take me to and from school and when I get home me and Y/N don't even admire each other's existences.

I try to not care about him but I guess it's kinda hard.I let him too much, too fast, and he did the same towards me. It's meant a lot at the time but now it
was regret. So, when I realized that Y/N wasn't at class yet, (which is half way over) and

I haven't seen him all day anyway, anxiety kicks in. I crave to know
where he is. Is he okay? Is somewhere for his mom? My mom swirls but I try to shake him out of my mind.

"You good, Sana?" Mike nudges me.
"Sorry, yeah I'm fine," I whisper. We were in math class I haven't been paying attention at all. "Have I
missed anything?"

"Like I would know," Mike laughs causing me to roll my eyes.
"Quiet back there!" Our teacher scolds from the front of the room making me roll my eyes again. I decide to be quiet and try to catch up but suddenly
the entire class's attention is directed the male figure walking through the door. Y/N.

At first my heart rate decreases in relief but I could immediately tell something is off with him and shake my head.

"Uh, sorry I'm late," he says nonchalantly. His hair is messed up and his shirt is all jacked up.

"Someone just got laid," Mike mutters. I kick him the ankle making me draw back. "Oh, sorry" he

I cant help but have a little jealousy run through me.

"Uh dude, you realize your shirt is on inside out, right?" A dude from the back of the room pipes up causing a quiet laughter to spread across the room.

"Shit," Y/N cusses looking at his shirt.
"Watch your language, Park." Our teacher says sternly. "Take a seat."
"Yes ma'am," he mutters walking over to the last empty seat a couple rows behind me, thankfully. We make eye contact as he passes, his expression is
emotionless. Mine is too before I quickly look away.

My stomach feels like all my insides are stuck together and my face heats up. I shake my head at myself.
I try to catch up in my class but no matter what my mind comes back to him and the fact that he was
with another girl. Who was she?

It wasn't just the fact she had a hook up. It's more than that to me. Him moving shows that whatever weird thing we had is gone and that's, that.

The bell finally rings and my mind is everywhere.
"Don't forget to study for your test on Monday," the teacher reminds us as we all stand up. A test that I have no idea what's about. Just what I need.

I start to walk out as I run into a figure. "'Sorry, you go ahead," I say politely but when l look up and see Y/N my demeanor changes.

"No, ladies first," he mumbles motioning for me to go on. I say nothing and walk away. The sad thing is we live in the same house and that's the most we've said to each other in the last four days.

Lunch comes and the crew has assumed our positions at our usual table. "So I hear Y/N obviously got laid today" Sam chuckles.

"Uh, can we not talk about Y/N's sex life right now" Mina chimes in giving Sam a scolding look.

"Oh right," Sam says returning to his food. As the rest of us predicted Mina and Sam are pretty much a thing now.

They've been going out 'officially'
for about a week but we all knows there was stuff going before that.

Accidentally Falls for HIM [TWICE SANA X male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now