✿ 4 Anemo boys ✿

Start from the beginning

Time skip cus 😚🫶

You woke up and groaned. Your eyes fluttered open and you tried to move but you felt someone on top of you. "Stop moving." You looked and saw Scaramouche hugging your waist tightly and pressing his face into your shoulder trying to go back to sleep. "Xiao and Kazuha are back!!" Venti yelled as he burst open the locked door, you flinched. "Shut up.." Scaramouche said in a raspy voice. "No, your hogging Y/n! I want my dove!" Venti says walking over to the bed and pulling your arm.

Scaramouche quickly realized this and got up and grabbed your other hand. "Let go!" Venti said. "No they're mine!" Scaramouche growled at him. (💀) "Ow..." You whispered as they pulled your arms but Venti heard it, and quickly stopped. Venti quickly jumped on the bed and hugged you. "Oh, dove I'm so sorry!" He said. "Hey, let go of them!" Scaramouche said still pulling your arm. "Can't you see its hurting them? Do you want them to leave you like every one else?" Venti said.

Scaramouche crossed his arms. "They can't even if they want to." He said. "Fine, but still!" Venti whined. Scaramouche growled and left the room. "He's gone now!" Venti said and smiled as he put his forehead to yours. "Y/n, can you come here?" Kazuha asked standing in the doorway. "But, but I just got them back, Scaramouche was hogging them.." Venti whined out. "That's not my problem, come on Y/n." Kazuha said and motioned for you to come to him. You slowly got up and walked to him and Venti whined.

"I knew you'd come to me." Kazuha said as he smiled. He grabbed your hand and walked to the kitchen. "Do you want some food?" He asked. You are hungry... You nodded and he smiled and let go of your hand. He walked further in the kitchen and told you to sit on the couch. As Kazuha was cooking you heard Xiao talking to Venti. You heard Venti squeal in joy and saw him walk out of the room you guys were in. Xiao followed him and they both sat next to you. Venti hugged you and made you sit in his lap and he put his head on your shoulder.

"I don't know why Xiao is so shy, he is the one who kidnapped you!~" Venti giggled as he spoke. "Venti you little-" Xiao said but got cut off by Venti tutting. "Don't curse in front of our darling!"

5 months later

It's been so long since you last were outside.. You wanted to leave so badly, and now you had a chance! You've been behaving well so they would trust you, and finally they all are out of the house, while you aren't chained up! You walked to the door and unlocked it, then you opened it and walked outside. You closed the door and walked towards the gate. It would be hard to climb but you had to do it quickly you don't know when they'll be back..

Once you got on the other side you jumped off and sat on the ground for a moment. You then got up and looked around, the house was surrounded by a forest. You didn't know where to go so you just, started walking.

Time skip cus I'm lazy 🤗

You've been running for a while, everything looks so similar... You were so tired, so you sat down next to a tree to catch your breath. You panted you're probably far from the house by now. It started raining aswell.. They probably know you're gone by now, you need to keep going until you find people.. but youre so tired. You tiredly stood up and started walking, but you slipped on mud and fell on your face. "Oww.." You mumbled and sat up.

You heard rustling in a bush, it scared you, what if it was one of them? You quickly stood up and ran you looked behind you and saw a bunny pop up from the bush. You sighed and looked forward again, you tripped and stumbled on a rock you fell on your face again. You were pretty annoyed at that point but then you heard creaking. You were confused you looked up and saw a tree starting to fall. You tried to crawl away but it fell too soon and the tree falls on your foot. You scream in pain and tears start to form in your eyes. You were in so much pain and yet that wasn't even your biggest problem. You were stuck. Your foot is stuck underneath and you were tired. One little nap wouldn't hurt, right?

"Get up." You heard someone say. You groaned and shook your head. "I said get up." They said in a ruder way. You whined and looked up. You saw Scaramouche. "Fucking finally." He said as he leaned down and cupped your face. "And I found you first at that." He chuckled angrily. He let go of your face and used his vision to get the tree off of your foot. You quickly pulled your foot back and he let the tree back down. Scaramouche picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. "We're going back home then, I'll sort out your punishment." He said and you whimpered..

Another time skip sorry

"Y/n!!" Venti exclamed as he hugged you. "Why did you ever think that it was okay to leave us? Hmm my dove?" You didn't respond. "He asked a question." Scaramouche said. "I don't know.." You said as you fidget with your hands. "That's okay, you'll just have to learn to not I suppose." Venti said as he smiled. Venti picks you up bridal style he giggled and brought you to the basement. The others follow. He sets you a familiar bed. "Whats her punishment Scara, you found her." Venti asked. "Don't call me that. And I can think of one, breaking their legs so definitely can't leave again." Scaramouche said. "W-wait I'm sorry please don't!" You said. "You shouldn't have escaped then." Scaramouche said.

Idk how to write that, so after he broke your legs 😚

You were crying on your bed as Venti rubbed your back. "Hey, it's okay." He said. "It's not okay, nothing is okay about this!" You yelled. Venti grabbed your ankle roughly and you yelped in pain. "What's so wrong about it?" He asked in a dark tone. "Y-You kidnapped me, hurt me a-and say 'oh but I love you!' what did you think I was gonna think about this?" You responded and Venti sighed. "My dove, we're doing it for you, it's a dangerous world out there. You had a tree falls on your foot, of course I'm gonna want to keep you safe.." He said and smiled softly but he still held your hurt ankle.

You sniffled and laid back down knowing nothing you say will get through to him.

You're trapped and you know you'll never escape...

(Words: 1941)
(Phew finally done sorry it took so long there have been somethings going on in my life but I'll try to update asoon as another one gets finished! Anyways have a great day/night/morning/evening! Love ya!<333)

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