"Hi, beautiful girl. Want to come and join us?" A group of men appeared out of nowhere. They seemed just young men.

They just arrived and saw a beautiful young girl standing alone. It made them wanted to know the beautiful girl.

Yu Qi did not change her expression when watching the men had talked to her. She felt that this group of men were idiots.

"Hey, talk to us. Don't be shy." Another man said when he saw the beautiful girl was silent.

The people around just watched the group as they harassed the girl without offering any help to the girl. The people did not seem like they wanted to get involve with them.

One of the men decided to grab her white hand. However, before he managed to grab her hand, the beautiful girl gave a kick.

"Don't you dare touch me." Aloof and arrogant look could be seen on the girl.

"You." The man said before he was given a kick again.

The group looked at the one that gave another kick to their friend. Standing there was a handsome man but he was giving off a murderous aura to the group.

"Dare to touch my girl?" His voice sounded like a devil to the group of men.

The group of men were already trembling. Their legs were already weak from this handsome man's stare. 'Why is this man so scary?'

"Forget about them." Yu Qi pulled Long Hui's hand.

Yu Qi did not want this thing to get too long. Long Hui was a soldier. It would not good for Long Hui's career. She did not want something like this to leave a black dot on Long Hui's career.

C532 - 532: Bo Ya Heard
Long Hui took his beloved Qi Qi's hand and brought her away from that place. The movie that they wanted to watch, it was about to start. So, both of them had forgotten about the earlier incident and entered the cinema.

Long Hui thought to be a shield to his beloved Qi Qi, in case, his beloved Qi Qi would be scared by the ghosts. Unfortunately, his beloved Qi Qi was not afraid of the ghosts. His beloved Qi Qi only showed her disgust on seeing the blood.

Long Hui chuckled when he watched that. Yu Qi realized that Long Hui did not watch the movie but her.

"Why are you not watching the movie? And why are you chuckling by yourself?" Yu Qi turned and asked Long Hui after the movie had finished.

"I am just wondering why are you showing the disgusted expression when you watch the bloody scene? You are a doctor so, the bloody scene shall be fine to you." Long Hui said

"The blood that I saw in my patient, of course, it was different. I don't know why but yeah, the blood on the ghost scene disgusted me a lot." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, by the way, let's go out for dinner. I'm hungry." Yu Qi said in a sweet voice. She did not feel shy anymore to act like a silly girl now in front of Long Hui.

"Okay. Let's go." Long Hui.

There was a food court nearby. So they went to the food court.


Bo Ya and Aoi were staring at Long Hui who was also staring at them. Three of them were silent. They were actually waiting for Yu Qi who was cooking the breakfast for them in the kitchen inside her space.

Long Hui stayed inside the space after having their date yesterday. So, after that, he wanted to spend more time with Yu Qi. Therefore, he insisted that they spent time inside his beloved Qi Qi's space.

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