As you were turning away the woman caught your arm, you turned back to her to see a grateful smile on her face 

"Thank you for the gloves, we were going to get her a pair with the avengers on it but they were too expensive, really thank you, she'll never forget this" A warm feeling flooded your body, the kind you'd get from napping in the sun or drinking tea. This is why you joined the Avengers, you thought, to make people happy and keep them safe.

You bid the mother goodbye and walked over to Wanda and Nat who you noticed were still standing having a conversation and sipping on their drinks. Your heart burned a little- was your presence even really needed at times like this? When they seemed so happy in their own world, without you.

"Hey guys, sorry to make you wait" You didn't know if they'd even hear you but they both looked over at you and smiled, it made your heart skip a beat. Wanda's cheeks were flushed from the cold but it make her look adorable, and the little flecks of snow in Nat's hair were straight out of a Hallmark movie. You wished you were in some cheesy Hallmark movie, a film where the main character always gets her happy ending.

"Well, maybe you wouldn't get lost in a snowball fight if you didn't walk so far behind us" You blushed, in all honesty, you didn't think they'd noticed, although they were avengers after all.

"Yeah well maybe if you talked about interesting topics I'd join you" you quipped and Wanda giggled

"Oh I think you'd find the topic we were discussing very interesting" You furrowed your brows in confusion

"What does that mean?" you looked from Wanda to Nat "What does that mean?!" The couple snickered and began walking away from you down the park path and you readily chased after them, curious to understand the implications of Wanda's words. You raced ahead of them and began walking backward as you questioned them about their conversation

"Guys seriously if you don't tell me I might explode" You- once again that night- forgot to watch where you were going and fell backward, this time, however, instead of landing on your ass you landed in a nice snowbank.

You sat up to see Wanda trying to hide her laugh behind her hands and Nat just full-on cackling at your fall, you scrunched up your nose and smiled mischievously at the pair.

"Oh no," Wanda immediately stopped laughing at your expression "oh no no no no no" She began backing up herself but it was too late, you swiftly grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in their general direction. Most of the snow went onto Nat and she immediately stopped laughing to give you a challenging look.

You were so fucked.

You looked over to Wanda who tilted her head as her eyes started to glow, her magic that usually brought you comfort now brought a playful fear to your heart.

You were so so fucked.

You got up and ran to hide behind a tree, the fact that neither of them stopped you meant they were both saving their energy for attacking you. You breathed heavily behind your tree, you decided three seconds ago this was your new home and there was no reason to ever leave it again.

Your tree let a light flurry of snowfall over you and looked down at where it landed, there wasn't as much snow over here as the big snow bank of ammo you'd practically given to the other two. Despite your fear and the definite knowledge that you were definitely going to lose this fight, you bent down and began making a few snowballs.

The absolute silence coming from behind you was definitely not the greatest sign. You felt the dread of Nat's presence before you felt her attack. You looked up from your latest snowball when you were hit with two snowballs to the chest, her aim was perfect of course. Although when you looked up to try and get her back she was already gone, for a split second you wondered how long she'd been watching you waiting to attack.

Suddenly it felt a lot more like you were on a battlefield than in a small park in New York, but you were an Avenger- what else was new?

You peeked out from behind your tree- rookie mistake- and were immediately bombarded with snowballs, two of them hit your face the other missed your face as you ducked back behind your tree. You heard Wanda's signature giggle from a few feet away and despite your nose burning with cold, you couldn't help the way her laughter made you feel. Like warm apple cider and your favorite movie.

Getting your ass absolutely beat was definitely worth whatever pleasure it brought to the couple, and if you were honest you didn't mind getting your ass beat by them.

You grinned as you formed a snowball into a heart shape and quickly threw it in the direction of her voice before ducking back.

You heard a small "oh!" and knew you'd hit dead on.

The three of you continued to attack each other, with nat and Wanda getting most of the hits- Wanda was cheating so you didn't really want to count hers as hits but oh well.

After forming your last snowball you looked down at your hands which were burning a significant amount, you were trained to handle pain well but that didn't make the sensation any less uncomfortable, you quickly brought your hands up to blow your warm breath on them. It did very little to help.

You were expecting to get hit again when you heard Nat answer the phone, talking to Stark and answering in 'yes', 'no', and 'okay's when until she finally hung up

"Y/n, if you're ready to stop getting your ass beat Stark says the team is doing hot chocolate and Christmas movies" She called out to you

You walked out from behind your tree with your hands up in surrender, Wanda threw another snowball at you but you quickly dogged it, giving her an offended look at not obeying the rules of surrender.

"Yeah alright, there's no winning against you two anyway" You complied, approaching the two and eyeing the large pile of snowballs they'd clearly been ready to use on you. You needed a warm bath immediately.

Wanda's eyes drew up to your hands up in surrender and furrowed her brows noticing their condition. As soon as you'd been within arms reach she grabbed your hands and observed them, gasping at how cold they were

"Y/n your hands are freezing! What happened to your gloves?" She worried

"I gave them to someone who needed them more than me, I'm fine Wands, I promise"

Wanda tried not to focus on the fact that you just called her the nickname Nat made for her, but a blush rushed to her cheeks against her own will. Why couldn't you be theirs already so she could kiss your hands until they were warm and then spend the night 'treating your wounds'?

The conversation she and Nat were having earlier was about how to ask you to join them, they'd been discussing it all night but every time they got side-tracked just thinking about you. Each time they found themselves discussing all the little things you did that made them smile.

She quickly took your hands and began rubbing them between her gloved ones, bringing her hands to her mouth to blow warm air before rubbing you with her gloves again. Nat brought a hand up to check the temperature of your face and you flinched back from her cold hands, immediately blushing at the contact.

"Her hands aren't the only thing that's freezing." Wanda glanced up at your face worriedly before focusing back on your hands, her emotions getting the better of her and causing a bit of her magic to slip out. You liked the way it felt wrapping around you.

"Hey, Nat doesn't have any gloves on!" You argued like a child getting caught doing something stupid

Wanda just huffed and rolled her eyes "Nat's from Russia, дорогой"

Nat smirked at you triumphantly like a child who got away with doing something stupid.

"Come on Y/n let's go warm you up" Wanda began tugging the two of you in the direction of home.

"Is she always like this?" you stage whispered to Nat

"Only in days that end in Y, don't worry you'll get used to it" she stage whispered back to you, Wanda would swat her on the shoulder if she wasn't so busy making sure you didn't get frostbite.

Your hands might be cold but right now your heart felt warm. You hoped you could always have Wanda to worry over you and Nat to banter with while she did.

(дорогой- Darling)

A Perfect Christmas- WandaNat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now