Welcome to the North Pole (Short Story 2022)

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You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen... and Rudolph... XD


Blitzen, who was still wearing her work goggles on her head, walked alongside the triplets, Dasher, Dancer, and Prancer, through a hall of the workshop.

Santa Mouse, or Mou for short, was with them too, zooming along in the small flying vehicle he had built for himself to get around faster in. He wore his small work goggles on his head too.

Santa Mouse and Blitzen were partners. They were the mechanics, so to speak, of the North Pole. They were the ones who made sure the electronic sections of the workshop were working properly, the Christmas lights were shining brightly the way they were supposed to, and, most importantly, that Santa's sleigh was in working condition.

But they didn't have to worry about any of that right now. Instead, they were heading to-

"A meeting!?" Dancer exclaimed angrily, "This is the literal North Pole! Our job is all about Christmas and joy! And a meeting? That's the complete opposite of joy!"

"You're the complete opposite of joy," Dasher suddenly chuckled.

Dasher and Prancer loved to tease Dancer. And to them, Dancer being so dramatic in response made it all even funnier.

"What!?" Dancer exclaimed, "You don't mean to tell me you want to go to the meeting!?"

Blitzen quickly started talking before things got out of control, "Well personally, I like the meetings."

Everyone stopped talking.

Dancer suddenly flew ahead a little to block Blitzen from walking any further.

"You. Like. The. Meetings?" she asked slowly and seriously.

"Yes," Blitzen shrugged, "They help us plan how to make Christmas as effective as it can be each year. Joy doesn't just come from all the fun stuff, Dancer. Sometimes, you need to work for it."

Dancer rolled her eyes, but Santa Mouse nodded in agreement, "Blitzen's right."

"Well, that's unfair! You two always agree with each other!" Dancer exclaimed angrily.

"That's because we've always got the right idea," Santa Mouse smirked at Blitzen, who rolled her eyes but smirked back.

With that, Dancer just sighed and they all continued walking.

"Who even planned this meeting?" Prancer asked.

"Probably Rudolph," Dasher answered, "He usually does this sort of thing. Santa's right hand man, that one."

"I actually don't think he did," Blitzen jumped in, "I was talking to Rudolph this morning to ask what I needed to do today and he didn't mention a meeting at all."

"Weird," Prancer mumbled, "Do you think Santa called it?" she suddenly looked worried, "Is there some kind of emergency!?"

"I doubt it," Santa Mouse comforted, "If there was an emergency, things wouldn't be so calm around here."

"Then who planned the meeting!?" Dancer exclaimed, "What is this all about!? If this is just about Santa wanting to say "hi," I'm gonna be a bit upset."

"'A bit?'" Prancer teased.

Dancer groaned loudly as they reached the room the meeting was taking place in and walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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